Trailer Trash


Missing Mondaily (Read 13 times)


running under the BigSky

    Morning Trailers!


    Spent most of last week chasing the elusive wapati. On the positive side I was getting into elk almost everyday, but cows, calves and spikes. The older bulls not to be seen.  60+ miles last week with a lot of climbing and negotiating rough country thrown in for good measure 


    Back to the grind this week. Will get out with TE for a few miles after work today. 

    qotd: favorite tv series ever?  As a kid I loved Wild,Wild West as an adult I watched the Sopranos faithfully


    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √


      Rest day for me.  Had a good, relaxing weekend.  Haven't sat around doing minimal stuff in a long time, not even on vacation.  It felt good.


      QOTD: "This Is Us." The upcoming season will be the last and I am really bummed.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        Today's a SRD for me, but once again I might ride the MTB a little.  I need to get my "bike legs" back for the adventure race next month.


        mt - sorry about you not getting any game, but I'm sure being out in the wilderness as a pretty good consolation prize.


        qotd: I can never decide on these things, so I always say whatever pops into my head first (I figure that must be my favorite). So the one that popped into my head. . . M*A*S*H.  Although I haven't seen a rerun of it in probably 20 years.



          No run yet today. I'll get out for at least a couple of miles later today. I need to run an errand so might as well 'run' it. Meanwhile, I've been tending to family travel plans. 1) Xmas flights booked. and car rental (ouch, that one hurts) 2) Grand Canyon lodging booked and looking at Zion for early March and 3) DS's travel out west after new year's.  I've got a trail race in AZ penciled in, but not sure I'll be able to swing the timing.


          qotd: Hmm, so hard but probably 30 Rock. MASH is in the top 5 (and I was working thru the series earlier in the pandemic-- still just as good as I remembered)


            Run today will probably be up at the local trail late afternoon. The dark months are here now as it will be dusk by 5pm. Boohoo.

            No racing here this weekend. Drove the missus around the Poconos yesterday hitting 4 quilt stores as part of a contest where you go to different stores to pick up fabric/blocks for one of several quilts the stores have designed. You pick one of the quilts to recreate then drive around and pick up the fabrics from each store. Clearly it's a gig to drive business to each store but most are small country stores so I guess it was good to support those businesses. Worked out ok for me. The weather was nice for driving, the scenery was good, and I listened to the Browns game while driving and waiting around. 

            We took the dogs too and made a stop at Seven Tubs nature preserve just outside of Wilkes Barre for a walk among the falls and roaring creek. The short trail along the slot canyon with the falls and pools was sort of tricky for the Lady but she was a  trooper. There was a steep metal staircase we had to go up (maybe 8 steps) and while Baker hesitated she went right up, though I had to give her some assistance. Baker was afraid of it so I had to help him up too. A slip there would have been bad but we managed.


            QOTD: Seinfeld. The episode where Kramer turn his apartment into the Merv Griffin set is freaking hilarious. I love the Curb Your Enthusiasm show as well. New season just started.


            Weekend Pics: The Lady, Waterfall in slot canyon, Baker is posing.




            In dog beers, I've only had one.

            Gator eye

              I’d did a half hearted 6 this morning. Just wasn’t into it. Motivation is lagging a little bit. 

              qotd: I’m with Sandy on this, MASH has my vote


                Ran a short 2.5 this morning. I had some guys come over to do some work on the house, and I had to help, which was by design. Probably do the same loop in the AM because we didn't totally finish. We have some finishing work to do tomorrow, but the heavy lifting is done.


                QOTD: I would have to say Seinfeld is my all-time favorite show.


                Queen of Nothing


                  Plan to walk dog and run but sister showed up  to pick my spirits up....ok I am not good at changing plans!   Anywho my restart on running has been lagging.  

                  qotd:  Saprano's ...first edgy TV series but also we would get together for Sunday dinner with family and watch together.  

                  DC:  keep telling myself to make plans since you need to schedule so far in advance but in the last 7 months I have had to back out of 2 vacations due to


                   05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                   08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄