Trailer Trash


Thursday!! (Read 18 times)


    I could smell something in the air this morning; I think fall is near. It would be considered muggy by some standards, but not mine. The temp was low 70's to upper 60's this morning, almost unheard of for SE Louisiana/SW Mississippi in August. It felt good for a short run on trails I clipped yesterday evening after work.


    QOTD: Do you listen to any music, podcasts, etc.? If so, what have you been listening to lately?


    I have been listening to a good bit of Joe Rogan lately. I like the long form interview format because everything else (news/opinion shows on television) seems to be in short soundbites that tend to be slanted one way or the other with little or no real context. As far a music, I have been delving back into a lot of old Iron Maiden and Ronnie James Dio. And I have been listening to a lot of "outlaw" country music, things you don't hear on the radio, old and new.



    I lost my rama

      Yesterday's run was pretty brutal weather-wise.  It was hot and with the rain the dampness made it muggy under the canopy of trees on trail.  I labored to get in 6 versus the planned 8.  A bit cooler today, so I hope for an easy 4 after work if I don't have to work too late.


      LB2 - That sounds like a cold spell down there!  Glad you got a bit of relief in temps.


      Dr Jamie - Sorry to hear your back and sciatic are still problematic.  Hope you can still plug away at getting some miles in.


      QOTD:  Not really.  I just listen to the radio in my car and things that don't make me think too hard.  There's a radio station that plays both new music and older classics.  Nice mix.

      3/17 - NYC Half

      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


      Refurbished Hip

        I ran 6 last night.  And I was going to say the same thing about fall, LB.  It's in the air.  I turned on my car heater for a few minutes on my drive to work this morning.


        QOTD: I typically listen to both music and podcasts, but I haven't been lately.  I can't bring myself to do it.  I guess I need a bit of quiet right now.  And music has been making me cry.

        Running is dumb.



          QOTD: In the car I listen to music.  On the TM I have Audible and listen to books, at the gym I listen to music. No podcasts.


          Dr Jamie, sorry about the back.  I did something to mine when I hit the deer last Oct and every now and again it hurts.  The PT showed me a few stretches that I do when it starts and if it gets bad I take an advil PM and just go to bed.


          It's been in the high 60's in the am here the last couple of weeks.  Daytime temps are getting into the 80's low 90's which isn't too bad.  I did 3 at the gym and then 5 at home.


            You guys are killing me with all this talk of fall.  My run last night was brutal, my feet were boiling hot.  It was exactly 100 deg.  This morning was a little better at 78 deg, but the stagnant air and high humidity weren't fun.  Fall Shmall.


            qotd: I bounce between NPR, alternative, classic rock, and even an 80s-90s station in the car. In the gym I listen to my iPod that has all sorts of music that ranges from rock, punk, folk, blues, jazz, etc.  Everything from Ozzy Ozborne to Casandra Wilson to NY to Stones, to Sarah Vaughan, NOFX and back. It's quite an eclectic mix of stuff downloaded by everyone in the family. I don't listen to anything while running.



            running under the BigSky

              strength trained yesterday evening and then a burger/beer planning session


              SRD today and tomorrow, 60-ish mile 2 day fastpack into the Bob this weekend, driving and camping at the trailhead Friday so we can get an early start Saturday


              forecast temps 50’s highs, upper 20’s lows 


              qotd: not much, take an iPod to the gym- loaded with mostly 90’s grunge/alternative stuff


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              Refurbished Hip

                loaded with mostly 90’s grunge/alternative stuff


                As someone who was an angsty teenager in the 90s, I approve of this! 

                Running is dumb.


                Go figure

                  Hello all!


                  Just a quick run yesterday. I did see the doctor and got lots of great work done (cupping, graston, A.R.T., dry needling, stim, normatec, and some adjustments lol). The hamstring is a grade 1 strain, which is about what I figured based on how it was feeling. I'm going to continue to run, but keep the intensity, elevation, and mileage down.


         when running only as a treat, so usually about once a week. In the car, I like Sirus channel 36, which I think they call alt. rock. Other than that, it's the soccer channel or espn channels.

                  Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  running under the BigSky


                    As someone who was an angsty teenager in the 90s, I approve of this! 


                    I completely missed it the first go round, found it 15 years later though Smile


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                    Queen of Nothing


                      Turd! I am at number 10 of the waitlist.


                      QOTD: Funny someone was just in my office and we were talking about music...anywhoo... I listen to country, Classic Rock,  Grunge.  I have also taken up podcast and on my 42 mile run this past weekend I listened to a book on tape for about 6 hours while running.  I loved that...the book was good with a good narrator.  So I actually was laughing and at one point in the book crying.. picture me running while trying not to cry so instead sobbing a bit, tears going down my dirty face and nose running!    It sure made the time go by quickly.







                      Queen of Nothing


                        Some times a good cry makes you feel great!!  Go for it.

                        I ran 6 last night.  And I was going to say the same thing about fall, LB.  It's in the air.  I turned on my car heater for a few minutes on my drive to work this morning.


                        QOTD: I typically listen to both music and podcasts, but I haven't been lately.  I can't bring myself to do it.  I guess I need a bit of quiet right now.  And music has been making me cry.









                          Well thought I had an average hilly run on some logging roads, and was a bit surprised since the weather was perfect.  In my mind it was a 12 mile run and  it took took me 2:08.  I just mapped it out, and it's 14.4 miles, so just under a 9 min/mile pace on hills.  Well in that case it was a pretty good run, and the weather made all the difference. What it showed is that I have no idea what my road pace is since I spend most of my time on twisty rocky trails. Probably my fastest run since that "fookin" tic got me.


                          Mandy - I cry at wedding proposals, just ask Sue.


                          Sue - looks like it going to happen.  Did you see my suggestion about a long night run?


                          Moon - nice to see you.


                          Now where's FTYC and Jonferg been.  Muppy is still not running after his foot surgery.


                          QOTD:  Never done any podcasts, but might like a book on tape.  XM listener here, and usually Raw Dog Comedy, Classic Rock or lately I've been into BB King's Bluesville.

                          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                          Queen of Nothing


                            Yes you did...wonder if they are still married. 


                            I did...we run in the dark in the winter in the mornings but I get the run at night when tired.  Will see if folks are interested.





                            Mandy - I cry at wedding proposals, just ask Sue.


                            Sue - looks like it going to happen.  Did you see my suggestion about a long night run?










                            I lost my rama

                              Turd! I am at number 10 of the waitlist.



                              I always thought turd was number 2.   It's getting real Sue!!!


                              AT - Nice run!  I never go sub-9's on trail.  Impressive.

                              3/17 - NYC Half

                              4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                              6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                              8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours




                                I did...we run in the dark in the winter in the mornings but I get the run at night when tired.  Will see if folks are interested.



                                Yes, different feeling running on tired legs at night vs morning after a good nights sleep.


                                Bert - not trail, it was logging roads, so mostly gravel and crushed stone with some dirt sections. I can't do sub 9's on any of my trails. Too many twists and turns and slowing for rock piles and stream crossings.

                                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 
