Trailer Trash


Mondaily (May 1) (Read 13 times)


    Well, I am back off my 5 or 6 week break. But I have covered some miles in the last month or so. I accomplished my goals for the spring turkey season by killing a gobbler in every state I hunted, and the secondary goal of our entire group being successful on some Oklahoma public land. I got one on opening day in Alabama; I got one on the second day of the Louisiana season; I missed one in Louisiana the last week; and I got my one bird limit in Oklahoma on the second day of the hunt. Weather was rough for most of our Oklahoma trip, but it didn't seem to bother the birds too much. No run today; I have a week's worth of work to catch up on.


    QOTD: Any mileage, or other, goals for the month of May?


    I'll just ease back into things and not drink as much beer as I did in April.



      The rain finally stopped here this morning at least for awhile. We needed the rain but still it was a constant grey damp chilly weekend. While I did not find any dry slots for running the mornings were less rainy so Baker and I got in a few miles on Saturday and Sunday. I did get a bunch of tropical plants into the ground on Saturday despite the rain and mist. Yesterday we sat in the hottub in the afternoon while cold light rain dropped on our heads. Sometimes you just gotta' go with the flow.


      Probably no run today. With all the rain the lawn needs a mowing.


      QOTD: Based on my cholesterol reading, I need to get back to eating better this month. Less beef and more fish and poultry.


      Sandy - Congrats on the 50!


      Runtrail - Any tips or must do's in DC? The missus and I are planning a trip there this month for a few days with Baker.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.

        Congrats to both you and your daughter, Sandy.  Looking forward to the report.


        Welcome back, LB.  Glad the hunt was successful.


        This does seem like the never ending winter.   We have more raining coming in today.  Mostly "showers", but still.  My pasty white body is over it.


        Saturday I got in a little over 12 miles in the Arcata Community Forest.  There's a short stretch of new trail that connects The Forest to a system that eventually dumps you into Sunnybrae somewhere (I know, I know - this means nothing to you all).  Anyway, that short stretch has been off limits because it's been too wet and the powers that be don't want it all chewed up.  Well, Saturday I ignored the barrier and checked it out.  There are two bad spots where I can see why they don't want foot or bike traffic, and at our current weather rate they aren't going to dry out for a good long time, but they connect to some actual flat running! Glory Hallelujah!  See, the thing with The forest is there's nothing - absolutely nothing - flat about The Forest.  And although it makes for great training ground, it can also be exhausting.  So in the future will I continue my unlawful ways and crawl under the barrier to partake in this glorious flatness?? Oh yes! Yes, I will! 


        Sunday was a day of recouping for both The Hub and I, and then this a.m. it was 7 predawn miles.


        QOTD: The 50k I was supposed to in April was rescheduled for May 20.  Come hell or high water, I'm running a 50k May 20.  If not in Forest Ranch, then here.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


        Queen of Nothing


          I walked 5.5 miles with Jack and my HS friend Karen...who I also ski with.  Then ran 3.5 which I was glad I did that since it was sleeting outside.  

          qotd:  I have a "race" May 15....25k I am in taper mode.  


           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







            No run today and haven't run since Thursday. I've had something going on with my lower back and I've worked it out that it's likely tight quads and psoas (this has happened before, so you think I'd figure it out more quickly ). I'll run tomorrow morning. Today ended up a short work day, then chores that couldn't get done in the rain.


            Oh man, I'm the wrong person to ask because I'm thrilled to go see the newly renovated Bird Hall at the Zoo... Actually, the Kreeger museum is pretty cool and off the beaten path. I always like the Botanic Gardens.  Nationals Game? Even as a non-baseball fan, this is always fun. And if you haven't visited the African American Museum, that is highly recommended.


            Of course, a Baker and Chowder run in Rock Creek?


            Runtrail - Any tips or must do's in DC? The missus and I are planning a trip there this month for a few days with Baker.


            qotd: Run more. work on the core (see issues above).


              SRD today. I actually feel good after the 50, just a little 'fun' going up/down the stairs and that's it.  But I know if I run 2 or 3 very slow and easy miles tomorrow it'll be an adventure. I actually posted a RR.


              LB2 - welcome back, glad to hear of the successful results from the trip.  Actually very early yesterday morning while trying to sleep in the tent after my race I thought of you. . . . I wasn't sleeping very much because there were lots of bug noises and early morning birds chirping it was driving me nuts (usually I like all the nature sounds).  But anyway among all the cacophony all of a sudden a turkey started calling really loudly. I just started laughing to myself, not wanting to wake up my DD or running bud, but I did think that maybe LB2 could come here and hunt that turkey down so I could catch a little more sleep.


              qotd: Just recover and then get back to running, I MIGHT be thinking of squeezing in another 50 miler called the City of Rocks (as if I didn't have enough rocks this past weekend) in the beginning of June up on Idaho. Stay tuned.
