Trailer Trash


STOP THE PRESSES! Look's like we can go back to RWOL! (Read 433 times)

    Just popped in and saw the following message by s*s:

    "First, we apologize for the issues regarding the forums and The Loop. We understand how frustrating it is when things don’t work – especially after a new version is installed. We’re just as frustrated. We are in contact with our vendor, Pluck, several times a day in an effort to resolve issues.  

    The latest big issue is regarding spam. Pluck is planning to deploy a set of changes as soon as possible (we’re hoping for today) that should significantly reduce the amount of spam you’re seeing in the forums.

    Another issue is performance – how quickly you’re able to access the forums. We’re working with Pluck to identify the cause of the performance issues.

    Other improvements and fixes are on the way, and will be rolled out after we address the higher-priority issues.

    We do understand your frustration – we are reading your comments and are working as best we can to resolve the issues."


    WHEW!  Glad to hear they're on the ball.  I'd like to thank all the RA'ers who welcomed us; we'll be sure to clean up as we leave.


    Roll eyes

    Occasional Runner

      I think I'll be staying right here. Besides, I've decided that S*S is a total fraud. 



        I think we should stay here.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        Refurbished Hip

          EDRW, I think some people didn't recognize your sarcasm font.  Wink

          Running is dumb.

            EDRW, I think some people didn't recognize your sarcasm font.  Wink


            I was afraid of that!  As the mod for this forum, could you please create a more obvious sarcasm emoticon?  tyvm



            Occasional Runner

              The perceived enthusiasm threw me off.


              Carry on.

                yeah......RIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHHHT....I'll get RIGHT on that. 


      's not listed in my favorites.  There is a link to.....RUN AHEAD...







                  EDRW - you did make me look.


                  While I was there, I did see this very funny message left at our old home from our new Mod.


                          PSA to all RWOL Trailers!


                          Hey mods, can you put a sticky that we all left?  

                          I'll bump this from time to time otherwise.


                  What are the chances that she gets banned before the spam is gone?

                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                    Hey did you guys know QPR v. Sunderland is Live!


                      So this was just posted!?!  The same message was posted on BF several days ago.  Guess they really are missing us?  Or did it actually take that long for the post to clear the spam? Roll eyes


                      (and that emoticon is eye-rolling sarcasm, thanks EDRW)

                      Uh oh... now what?

                        This is sort of interesting.  The message EDRW posted as a

                        joke is actually a copy of a serious post by S*S on some RWOL

                        Forums, not all, just some--not on trail or ultra.


                        She (he, it -- I do not know) even posted in one Forum and did

                        a "poor me, I'm just following orders and please don't be upset

                        with the messenger" story.


                        Having just finished a chapter and nothing better to do, I went

                        through the various Forums just to see the reaction to the

                        "Return to me for my dear I'm so lonesome" message.  A new

                        low in customer service is reached.  The message only goes

                        to a few, not even most, of the Forums.




                        John M. [ tempted to use the profanity-allowed aspect ]

                          I was just on again and apparently their way of handling things is to mark every spam message with "this discussion was started by a user who has been blocked by our staff."  Thing is, I looked into the ultra forum and I can't find the 2013 100-miler thread that I started.  Perhaps I'm banned! (Fortunately I just copied all the info regarding who's running what in case we want to resurrect that thread).


                          Refurbished Hip

                            Just as an FYI, I am not a moderator in our forum.  Just the "administrator."  I have very, very little power.  I can change the group info, sticky/lock threads, and "censor" people, but I don't plan on doing any censoring.  But if you want a thread stickied or locked, lemme know.  Smile

                            Running is dumb.

                            Occasional Runner

                              Just as an FYI, I am not a moderator in our forum.  Just the "administrator."  I have very, very little power.  I can change the group info, sticky/lock threads, and "censor" people, but I don't plan on doing any censoring.  But if you want a thread stickied or locked, lemme know.  Smile


                              So S*S has more power than you do? Interesting.

                              Occasional Runner

                                I was just on again and apparently their way of handling things is to mark every spam message with "this discussion was started by a user who has been blocked by our staff."  Thing is, I looked into the ultra forum and I can't find the 2013 100-miler thread that I started.  Perhaps I'm banned! (Fortunately I just copied all the info regarding who's running what in case we want to resurrect that thread).


                                It looks like they nuked hundreds of posts, even the legitimate stuff. All my shit is gone too. It's as if we never existed. I feel like we escaped an island right before it sank into the ocean. 
