Trailer Trash


Weary Wednesdaily (Read 13 times)

    Did 8 easy miles yesterday, intervals on the schedule for today.  Deciding whether go after I finish my coffee or leave them till after work.


    In a rut at work.  I don't love what I do but it's hard to beat FT telework.  I still have a good amount of autonomy, although less than before last year's re-org.  Definitely don't love the changes made by the re-org either.  My supe mentioned PT was an option.  But, I suspect I'd end up with about the same amount of work (given how much work there is), to be done in 4 days instead of 5, with lower pay, while paying more for benefits.  So, I'm not doing it.


    QOTD: do you (or did you) work FT or PT?  Pros vs. cons?

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


      Two long days in a row, both 10+ hours and I have a fairly long commute on top of that. Just relaxin' now and consuming too much coffee. Not sure of my plans today but there will be a run and a mt. bike. Like LB though who mentioned losing his desire to be out there while dealing with horseflies my own nemesis is mosquitoes of unbelievable densities  which almost make any trail run a torture. The experts have said that this is the worst mosquito year in the last 70 years. Not sure how they count them but it is bad. Right now I'm looking out at my lake and it's a reflective glass pool. Just beautiful and calm and I have no desire to put a canoe in and paddle about. I'd have to apply so much deet and still wear netting.


      QOTD--Such a complex question so early. I work part time and have off and on since 2011. Probably need some part time work right now just to help pay for taking months off in Florida each winter plus some good sized cost overruns when we finished our remodel of our shack. However in my case work really isn't mandatory so part time is good. It's not a career, I am technically retired so any job that allows me to be stress free works. Also with any part time job I've had I take the attitude that 2 bad days in a row and I'll quit.  But my situation  is a whole lot different than others. DW works part time for the billionaire at her health club. She may keep her job and take a leave of absence for our winter travels whereas I'll quit my job Sep 1st or so.

      I suppose one has to consider where you are financially and what your goals may be. I always valued free time more than accumulating a pile of money.

      This is a good topic that can be looked at from a lot of angles probably discussed over beverages around a campfire. 


        Some light rain here today. No complaints, we needed it. Getting more normal in the precipitation department after a very dry pattern. Probably no run today, so walking of hiking later. I did get Baker out for a 4 mile jog/walk thing, mostly running I suppose. Knee felt about like it has all year. Probably get to back to some short outings again but avoid back to back days. MRI is scheduled for next Wednesday.


        QOTD: Full time. Pros, money of course plus I do get some satisfaction with my work and I do not have to commute. Cons, the occasional crazy week of on-call, stupid people and roadblocks, and idiotic corporate mandated training. I had to do a couple of those today. OMG. The one EHS course looked like it was designed for 5 year olds.

        In dog beers, I've only had one.


          SRD/Walk later today. We did walk yesterday evening, and I had one horsefly buzzing around that never landed or bit. Running may be back on the agenda in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, I have been enjoying lifting weights, and I am using this down time to restructure my comeback in July to really balance resistance training, running, swimming, paddling, and rest.


          QOTD: I am full-time. I will have 21 years of service on July 3rd, or maybe the 7th. Anyway, I could retire later this year, but it wouldn't be enough to just retire. I have worked remotely since March 15, 2020. Most people are back at the office; every supervisor I have had since March 2020 has told me that their boss (my former boss) told them the same thing: "Don't f*ck with him. If he needs something, he will let you know. If you need something, just let him know." I value that, and so far, they have all done that. I work well (better) with little to no supervision. You just tell me what you want to happen; give me the parameters with a timeline, and leave me be for best results. I am very committed to the end result and understand the nature of the job. I would say that those are mostly all Pros. The only Cons to the job are that I have to expand a bunch of programs that require others to do their part in the process with accrediting bodies, and I have to be aware of a bunch of details that are often overlooked by people at higher levels to make sure we stay in compliance. Sometimes, I don't know about promises that have been made until after the fact and have to spend way too much time on the phone with "Dr. NO" as we call her to figure out a way for her to be "Dr. Yes". I can usually get her to "Dr. Maybe"... LOL.



            Morning trailers. Chowder and I got in a walk this morning as the rain was starting. Running 5 this afternoon with a friend, when the sun comes out. Normally it's high 80s and 90s and humid here for mid-June. Might break 70 today later. Weird weather pattern, but it's my dream weather so it's definitely not a complaint.


            qotd: Very part-time right now. And every time I think about going back to full time, I think about the schedule and commitment. Especially less attractive now with elderly mother in MN, DS in AZ and other DS heading out to training and possibly a station in Europe in the next year or so.  Gatsby, when I was working full time and travelling a lot, I moved down to a 4 day 32 hour week after some significant burnout. It lasted a year, but I will say it was great. I did not work Fridays and kept that boundary.



              qotd: I do a lot of data analysis which I like and research sometimes.  To break things up we have to sometimes travel to the other Casiso's for audit work so that's ok. Or it was until I started dialysis.  Traveling with my machine is difficult. We've talked about my quitting but I'd be bored stiff after a couple of weeks.

                6 miles with ladders this a.m. in the same damp, humid 55-degree conditions.  I can tell I've gotten faster with the ladders because of where their ending.  It feels good. 


                QOTD:  I'm currently working FT, but am mulling over the idea of going to 4 days a week, or every other week, once The Hub retires in a couple of years.  I'll be 60 then.  The determining factor will be if we can afford it.  I'm also constantly trying to figure out how to make money on the side doing what I'm currently doing - either through transcription or my recent thought is through assisting small firms in CA with probate case management or document prep - for now and for when I'm no longer working.  I'd like to be able to keep my brain busy and have a small income still coming in. My biggest problem is I don't know how to market myself on either front.  The friend I'm going to WSER with next weekend builds websites, so I'm gonna see if she'll help me with that.

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance



                running under the BigSky

                  5 miles (800') with Tiny Elvis; can't tell you what a difference it makes stripping off 35 lbs of pack and going to trail runners vs boots!  But back to the pack/boots tomorrow Smile


                  qotd: Full time for several decades, then switched to part time (half time) when I was 62.  My original plan was to fully retire at 62, but then a half time position opened up and thought I'd see how that was.  Well it was pretty good   I'd work two days one week and then three the next, back and forth between 4 day and 5 day weekends- if took 5 days of vacation, I'd have a full two weeks off.  Did that for two years and then fully retired at 64.  The part time gig was pretty good, lots of time off, but still making $; it also kind of eased you into retirement.



                  2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                  2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                  2021 goal- 2021 miles √