Trailer Trash


The Wednesdaily (11/28) (Read 373 times)


    Hi Everyone,


    A nice 4 easy miles today on the urban trail by the river, went down-river this time.  It is grey and cold over here this morning, but it wasn’t raining like yesterday so there were lots of runners this morning.  I can tell my ankle is getting much better, but I’ll take it easy for the rest of the week.


    qotd:  pass.



    Faster Than Your Couch!

      Good Morning,


      Overcast, but no rain or snow, and not too cold. Will be a great day for the (probably) last run before the HM on Sunday.


      School is on again for all the kids, so I'll have to plan it out to sneak in a run after dropping them off. Planning on some fast miles, maybe 4-6.



      Sandy: Nice morning run. Hope your ankle will be ok soon again!


      QOTD: How many days do you completely take off running before a race? Same for every distance?


      Me: I usually take 3 days off, this has given me the best results. For the shorter distances including HM, however, it might be just 2 days off.


      Have a great day, trailers!

      Run for fun.


        Sandy- Sounds like a great day!!  It is very chilly here this morning, low 40's, should be great East End weather.

        FTYC-  I am so glad that kids are back at school.  I do like having them home but a full week off for Thanksgiving is a bit much.  Have a great run and good luck on Sunday.


        How is everyone today?  I will run a couple miles and walk a couple with a friend.  Then its cleaning madness before my mom's flight lands.  Hope everyone has a great day!


        QOTD- It does change for me on the distance and whether the race is part of a training schedule or if its a goal race. 1- 3 days on average.

          Good morning everyone! I'm on day 11 of 30 with no running while I rest/heal the legs. Did some light cross training for an hour on the bike this morning and plan to do an hour of weight/core training tonight.


          So jealous of everyone running!!!!!! Keep it up.


          QOTD: I usually do an easy 3 miles two days out and take the day before completely off.

          Occasional Runner

            Good morning Trailers!


            Sandy- Jealous as always

            Couch- Good luck in the half. Which one are you doing?

            Snail- Enjoy your miles and your Mom.

            Tmo- I don't envy a 30 day break. Enjoy?


            I had a nice 6 miler and some core work at the gym. We're going to a wedding this morning then flying to PA for a few days. It was nice to be back in UT for a couple days anyway...


            QOTD: I run every day leading to a race. Unless I'm worried about something.


              OK--By this time tomorrow I'll be worth a half-billion dollars. Looking forward to that but don't woorry, I will remember all the little people! I know I'll never forget ol' what's his name either.


              8 smooth miles in the woods and prairie yesterday. Felt pretty good but this morning a slight discomfort so I'll monitor it and go from there. The original plan was to reintroduce a lttle tempo work today but we'll see. No need to rush things too much.


              QOTD- I used to race a lot. Even doing ultras I was running them at 1 per month. Didn't really taper much, would usually take a day or two off before the event. I would just say that each event was my training run in prep for the next one. Seemed to work good enough for my first 30 years of running. However after spending the last 2 years more crippled than running--what the fuck do I know.


              E/A-- I felt somewhat liberated typing that word. Big grin


              Endless trails

                Morning, everyone.


                Yesterday I did a nice 7 miles on trails, I passed two big burly looking dudes, smoking butts

                all decked out in blaze orange; they looked at me like I was crazy. I guess it's bc it's shotgun

                week for deer, there were signs posted that said no dogs allowed during shotgun week. It

                still completely baffles me that hunting and hiking (trail running) are allowed in the same area.

                I'm sure those guys loved the fact that I was tramping through their quiet woods. The good thing

                is I have found a place where I can park my car as an aid station and do 6 mile loops, I'm stoked

                about that. I also just learned that their is a 50 miler in June about an hour away, along with
                Massachusetts' first 100 miler. If all goes well I have time to do 2 50k's in the spring in prep for my first 50.


                Hope that ankle heals, sandy, my experience is they take a long time to get better.


                Enjoy your kid-free runs, couch and snail.


                Are you dealing w/ and injury tmo?


                No race this weekend, lace?


                QOTD: I take 2 days off, and take it easy on the 3rd day out. 

                Wandering Wally

                  Morning all.  Did 5.5 miles last night.  It felt good, but by the end I knew I had taken 10 days off.  Patience grasshopper.


                  QOTD - What I know so far is that only taking one rest day before a half works best for me.  We'll see what happens in the longer distances next summer.

                  Run!  Just Run!


                  Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                    Morning, Morning!


                    I managed 4 miles this morning. I did a half-mile of that barefoot then did some strides. My legs are feeling better today but my chest is still congested. So I seem to be getting over this sickness.


                    QOTD: Depends on my goal for the race/run. If I am using it as a training run then I might tape a little for the 5 days before the race. If it is a goal race then I taper 2 weeks. I definitely don't do the same taper for every distance.


                    Le professeur de trail

                      Good morning trailer trash! Hope you get dirty today.  For me - an hour at the gym this morning.  I am really getting good at that.  Had a PT appt last night - went ok - a bit sore this morning when I rolled out of bed.  Maybe a run tomorrow am?!?



                      QOTD: I can't remember the last real race I had so I can't answer that question.  Cry


                      Have a great day!


                      (I am really liking the new environment!)

                      My favorite day of the week is RUNday



                        Morning merry sunshines!


                        Ended up taking another rest day yesterday, but will head out for an easy 4 this morning.  (I'm finding if I don't get my run done in the morning during the week it's unlikely I'll have the motivation to do it in the evening).  However, my Thursday client postponed, and I had planned on a rest day then.  Now I'll have the day to hit the trails; yay me!  (Although we have great trails in the area, I have to drive to get to them.  Therefore I'll typically just run on the paved trails near my house during the week, then hit the trails on the weekend).


                        qotd: like others have stated, if a race is merely a training run I might just take a day off (sometimes two days before, then will run an easy short run the day before).  But for a goal race I like to take a couple of days off, plus make all my runs easy & short in the week leading up to it.


                        Refurbished Hip

                          Good morning!


                          Rest day #23?  I think?  I'm going to lose track soon.  Are you people sick of me yet?


                          Harrier, when you win the lotto, will you buy me a couple of pairs of shoes and maybe a new mountain bike?  Where did you run yesterday?


                          Jon, I went hiking the opening day of gun deer season.  It was a little creepy.


                          QOTD: Short distances (less than a HM), I'll maybe take one day off.  Or something like 3-4 miles, rest, race.  Longish races (marathon, 50K), I will do something like 2-3 miles, rest, rest, race.  Long races, hell, just do maybe 2  short and easy runs the whole week before the race.

                          Running is dumb.



                            Harrier, when you win the lotto, will you buy me a couple of pairs of shoes and maybe a new mountain bike?  Where did you run yesterday?




                            For sure.  But why just a mountain bike? I'll buy you the Trek factory. Now I suppose you don't want to move to Waterloo? Who does?


                            Ran at Donald. It was real nice, and lonely. Perfect.


                              Hello Trashers!!! Speaking of- I did my trail duty and picked up gu packets on my last race. Apparently people have been trashing it during races so the park has banned race directors from giving out gus during the race. So, we all had to stock up at the start before the race.  BRING GUS BACK!!!!  Hope I did my part.


                              DH has jury duty so I had to forgo my morning workout.


                              qotd:  I usually take 2 full days- get a 5 miler in 3 days out and maybe day off 4th day out.  I have no scientific data. I'm just really lazy so I like to take off as many days as I can excuse myself for.  Longer the race - the more days off and the more cookies :-)


                              We are expecting 4-6 inches of rain over the next couple of days and huge windy storms!! Should be fun.

                                Morning, everyone.


                                Yesterday I did a nice 7 miles on trails, I passed two big burly looking dudes, smoking butts

                                all decked out in blaze orange; they looked at me like I was crazy. I guess it's bc it's shotgun

                                week for deer, there were signs posted that said no dogs allowed during shotgun week. It

                                still completely baffles me that hunting and hiking (trail running) are allowed in the same area.

                                I'm sure those guys loved the fact that I was tramping through their quiet woods. The good thing

                                is I have found a place where I can park my car as an aid station and do 6 mile loops, I'm stoked

                                about that. I also just learned that their is a 50 miler in June about an hour away, along with
                                Massachusetts' first 100 miler. If all goes well I have time to do 2 50k's in the spring in prep for my first 50.


                                Hope that ankle heals, sandy, my experience is they take a long time to get better.


                                Enjoy your kid-free runs, couch and snail.


                                Are you dealing w/ and injury tmo?


                                No race this weekend, lace?


                                QOTD: I take 2 days off, and take it easy on the 3rd day out. 



                                Jon- no I don't have an injury. I'm just forcing myself to take a 30 day break. Giving the legs a rest from running and just doing cross training and core/leg strengthening. The plan is to build back the muscle/strength that I may have lost over the year with just running. I'll evaluate next year to see if I'll do it again. Maybe it is just crazy talk and I don't need a break from running, we'll see.
