Trailer Trash


Wet Wednesday (Read 10 times)


    I ran/walked 3.5 this morning. I saw 6 deer. We finally got some rain yesterday. They called for 80% on Monday, and we got nothing. Tuesday, they called for nothing, and we got about .25 inch. I am surprised it is still wet because it has been super dry for the last 3 weeks.


    QOTD: Are the fall colors out in your area yet? If so, what is your favorite tree for color?


    We don't get a ton of color here, but my daughter went up to Georgetown, Colorado yesterday to do a hike. She saw some vibrant colors up high. She loves the aspens. Down here in Louisiana, we do end up with limited color; my favorite is the hickory.



      Nothing yet today. Hopefully either a walk or 4 miles running once I get off work later. Today is another day of grey, wet weather so motivation is low. I miss the sun.


      qotd there’s a sugar maple around the corner that is my favorite. The forecast here for fall foliage is poor.

        Easy five miles yesterday at lunchtime.  We actually had a little drizzle in the morning!  Happy to see it.


        QOTD: We don't get much fall color around here as a general rule.  Gingko trees turn a nice shade of yellow.  My Japanese maples have a brief red stint before dropping everything.

        5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

          Nothing for me, and nothing for a couple of days.  Had a MAT appt last evening.  He did a fully body assessment and thinks my really PO'd hamstrings are due to my body just being really tired/overdone and it's  manifesting in my low back and hammies. Thinks there may also be some residual stuff going on from my fall 2 weeks ago. He strongly recommended taking a couple of days of complete rest - rest, hydrate, sleep, eat well, warm baths/soak with epsom - so that's what I'm going to do.  Between stress at work and training, I am so frigging tired.  If I could stay home from work and sleep all day, I would.


          On the bright side, he dealt with my right shoulder, which has been jacked up since my fall.  I can actually almost reach back and up between my shoulder blades.   Before, I could barely reach up and touch my bra strap.


          QOTD: We don't get much fall foliage around here except for some maples trees that change color.  I don't remember what type of maple tree we have in a back yard, but it's starting to change.  It's kinda funny - when it starts to leaf out in the spring, the leaves make really tight buds, like pot leaves. 

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



          running under the BigSky

            Spent two days walking my rifle (19 miles) in the Scapegoat Wilderness; not a lot of water in the area- ditto on the game.  It's a south facing basin that I was hunting (saw a really big mule deer buck in this area 5 years ago, still go back even though he's likely 10 feet under) that also was subject to a large fire- which sadly adds up to water drying up where otherwise it would be flowing.


            5 miles with DW and Tiny E- Tiny E has been on injured reserve for 5 days, seems to be better now 


            qotd: we have a lot of shrubs in the mountains that turn some pretty cool colors; we even have one conifer tree, the Larch, that the needles actually turn yellow and drop





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