Trailer Trash


Getting a jump on the Fridaily (Read 13 times)

    6 miles yesterday, 4 miles today, SRD on Friday. Dinner with my dad, brother, and his family on Thursday night for dad’s 89th birthday. Told him to start thinking about what he wants to do for his big birthday next year. 

    QOTD: any big birthdays for you or anyone in your life this year?  Any good birthday plans in store?  I’m doing a 56 mile race at TRT for my 56th birthday this year.

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


      Hi Trailers. Back from our roadtrip to GA. Got in some camping, hiking and a little running in while travelling. Visited part of the Blue Ridge Parkway and Georgia's Little Grand Canyon. Fun trip. DS graduated from Officer training and we got back yesterday afternoon. Chowder came along, too. Now I need to get back into a solid running routine. It's fallen off lately.


      qotd: Not yet, but 60 is in 3.5 years..



        Not been doing much except strength training and PT.  I brought my running clothes to try a short EZ run at lunch since it's supposedly okay to run with PHT as long as you stay on flat ground and it doesn't exacerbate this.


        We got some extremely shocking news here at work this week.  The young attorney who is taking over the Est Dept told us in our dept meeting on Wednesday that he has been diagnosed with bone cancer in his right leg.  He's had issues with this leg for a number of years, having had 5 surgeries over 10+ years to have benign nodules removed from the bone, with the last surgery having been in February.  Separately in his office, he told me he has to have his leg amputated. The recovery and PT after surgery is long.  He'll be in the hospital at UCSF for a month and then it's 6 months of PT, basically learning to walk again. We talked for about half an hour and, amazingly, I managed to maintain my composure because it was obvious the last thing he was another person breaking down on him.


        He and I started working here around the same time and went through the trenches together when we worked through the hell that was Humboldt County getting into the whole permitting of marijuana a few years back.  Now with him taking over the Est Dept, we've butted heads and have irritated the crap out of each other, but we have complete respect for one another. I'm thankful we have the kind of relationship where I was able to give him a big, long hug before I walked out of his office.


        . . . kind of puts things into perspective for me . . .


        QOTD: No big birthdays.  I turn 60 and The Hub will be 65 in 2 years, which feels really weird.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



          Did 10 on Wed, SRD on Thu, and 6 this morning. It was a glorious 40° !!!!!! Then we went to a great breakfast place. 


          Did I mention that we’re now visiting our DS and DIL in Denver.  We’re staying in a suburb and I ran along the Ralston Creek Trail (it’s a hike & bike trail but still really nice and just outside the door of our Airbnb).


          Gatsby, nice that you celebrated your Dad’s b’day. With the fam. And you’ll do and age-run on yours this year.

          runtrail, nice photos, thanks. The funny thing is our nextdoor neighbors in TX were driving the Blue Ridge Pway, they’re headed back from visiting their family in CT. Maybe you crossed paths.


          fatozzig, uuugh that’s some tough news to hear… the kind that does put things into perspective.


          qotd: Nothing for a few years.
