Trailer Trash


Wow it’s Wednesday (Read 12 times)


    Chowder and I got out for 3.7 miles this morning along the creek. My running has declined this year so trying to pick things up. Beautiful sunrise and shorts weather again. No complaints!


    Gatsby- congratulations on your race! That profile, though.

    XT- great pics! Sedona is crazy in the spring, but there are lots of good places to escape the crowds. I hope your trip to FL ends up ok


    qotd- what’s streaming these days ( or reading). DH and I started ‘Ripley’ last weekend. It’s dark and creepy and we’re really enjoying it

      Yesterday got out for an EZ predawn 3, plus PT exercises afterward, then PT exercises after work.


      This a.m. it was more PT exercises and strength training.  I'm upping my PT exercises game.  My "upper belly" of the hamstrings are feeling good, so we'll see how the increase feels on the sits bone area, since that's the problem spot now.


      Great pics, XT.  Your trip sounds wonderful.  Baker's looking either very stoic in the Sedona pic or he's enjoying the sun. 


      QOTD: We don't stream anything, but we're having fun picking out new-to-us movies on Prime.  It's definitely hit-n-miss, but not doing too bad.  Their "Comedy" pics are mostly drama-comedy or romance-comedy with less emphasis on comedy, unfortunately.  Although we did watch a horror-comedy recently with Ryan Reynolds, "The Voices", that we thought was pretty dang funny and at the same time filled the horror bill.  Not like Texas Chain Saw Massacre horror, but there was a number of times we were looking at each other and saying, "I can't believe I'm laughing at this."

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



      running under the BigSky

        Got 7 miles in with Tiny Elvis yesterday morning, strength trained yesterday afternoon; will get out soon to hit the trails.  We're chilly here, 27° this morning with a light skiff of snow—hoping the mountains got more than a skiff.  We're down to 50% of normal snowpack here 


        XT sweet pics!


        qotd: Not reading anything of late; DW and I watched (and enjoyed) Gentlemen on Netflix- both big fans of Guy Ritchie.  I started Man in the High Castle, liking it-DW watched a half of an episode and quit.  It's not a pleasant series to be sure with Nazi's and the like, but well acted and well written along with a very unique story line.



        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √



          Nothing much today. I am calling this week tapering for the hunting trip to New Mexico in a week and a half. I had really run myself into the ground getting up every morning since the middle of March looking for turkeys. I have not been out in two days; I may go tomorrow, but I will probably wait until Friday and sort of scout around for Monday when the weather gets cool and crisp again. They should be ready to go by then.


          QOTD: I have been reading "The Bourne Sanction" for the last 3 weeks on and off. I just found it in a pile of books I haven't read, and it was around 600 pages. I figured it would help me kill a little time while I was hunting in Alabama because I knew we had some bad weather that would keep me under some sort of shelter for parts of those days. It is pretty good but not too hard to put down.


            Woot for Wednesday almost being over.  I went for a short walk yesterday.  May go out for another walk after work since the weather is so nice.  Still feeling muscle fatigue from Sunday's race but my foot feels better (I think I bruised it but nothing major, fortunately).


            QOTD: I've become addicted to short films on a YouTube channel called Omeleto.  Nothing to do with omelettes. My niece is an actress and her first film was aired on Omeleto.  The channel specializes in short films (around 15 min) with some sort of twist or suspense.  Easily consumable (like omelettes!) with no long term commitment.


            I might look for Ripley.  I've seen other versions, but I always like dark and creepy.

            5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR