Circle North


Midwinter Classic (Read 18 times)

    Good luck to all tomorrow. I will be cheering from home , feet up resting, drinking coffee, eating  donuts (Tom gave it up so somebody has to do it, might as well be me, for a day). Seriously, have fun!!!


    I dunno, Gwen, if you really cared you'd go out and run 10 at race pace tomorrow morning so as to share in our pain. I mean fun. yeah, that's it. Fun.

    A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

      I concur.  If you're having fun, you're not racing.



      I dunno, Gwen, if you really cared you'd go out and run 10 at race pace tomorrow morning so as to share in our pain. I mean fun. yeah, that's it. Fun.

        So yeah, at like mile 4.75 or so today, I'm struggling along and somebody comes storming up behind me and parks I had 2 thoughts going through my mind, one of them being "I wonder if that's Egad", the other being "WTF?  Why is this person riding my ass when they can obviously pass me?" Both questions were answered just before mile 5 when Egad revealed himself and proceeded to leave me in the dust like it was nothing. He was there, and then he was gone. I held out some vague hope he'd come back to me but nope, he was just gone like Keyser Soze. He ran a hell of a race.

        A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.


          Congrats to all today, especially, well, you know who.

            just to show you how much I care and want to share in your day, tell you what, I will run half the 10 for twice the fun...there how's that? Math seems solid to me :-)


            I dunno, Gwen, if you really cared you'd go out and run 10 at race pace tomorrow morning so as to share in our pain. I mean fun. yeah, that's it. Fun.

              That's an awesome recap of the events. running in a group is so much more fun! Nice work spurring each other On.


              So yeah, at like mile 4.75 or so today, I'm struggling along and somebody comes storming up behind me and parks I had 2 thoughts going through my mind, one of them being "I wonder if that's Egad", the other being "WTF?  Why is this person riding my ass when they can obviously pass me?" Both questions were answered just before mile 5 when Egad revealed himself and proceeded to leave me in the dust like it was nothing. He was there, and then he was gone. I held out some vague hope he'd come back to me but nope, he was just gone like Keyser Soze. He ran a hell of a race.

                anyone lose 2014 MWC shirt?

                  It looks like I did, mine is not in my bag. Size Large, right?

                    Yes sir.

                      Cool, thanks for grabbing it for me.  I'll get it from you sometime this week or next Sunday at the group run if you are attending,
