Circle North


Daytona 100 (Read 7 times)

    This is pretty much just a reminder for me as something to ponder at some point. My sister lives in a town the course passes through, which makes it more interesting. Not sure an all-road 100 sounds that delightful, though.


    A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

    L Train

      Florida, salty air, sun in your face and no shade, what could go wrong?  This should be your and Doug's next adventure.


        Maybe. We'll have to see how the leadville lottery plays out first.

          This would be a great race for Doug.



          Reading it now.  Similar to the last 10 miles of every marathon I've run.

            Sticks and stones may break your bones but logging into RA can scar you for life.

            L Train

              It also can't conflict with the race that Doug has planned for his next wedding anniversary.


                No leadville for me this year.