Circle North

Herding Cats in the Winter (Read 32 times)


    Count me in....and I am pretty sure that Carol will be joining in as well.

      In for at least 17 (Tom you may have walking/hobbling company)


      Next installment of Herding Cats, I know you've been anxiously waiting and many of you may not even be here with races or whatnot.  9:00 at my house. I'll set up a 15ish mile run since all of you seemed to do your 20 last week.  Personally I hope to run 20, so you all can come in and eat and everything and be gone before I get back.  Win-win.


      I don't know what the food is or anything.  I've told Mrs. Train to go low key.  I'll post a route later.  I do not plan for my parents to be here. Don't be hungover.


      Please let me know if you are coming and extend this to anyone else.  I think it's getting on facebook also.

        I'm in for 20. Not doing the 5k after all.

        A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.



          I'm in for 20. Not doing the 5k after all.


            I am also in for tomorrow.

              I am in

                What was I chasing again?

                  Stir the soup






                  Thanks to this I just learned about "Steak and Blowjob Day". Somebody's getting a Nobel Prize.

                  A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                  L Train

                    Don't think I hadn't already looked this up.


                      Thanks Hoenigs, etc etc.


                      3/23 run info in separate thread below.

                      A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.


                        Stir the soup





                        I really should have kept my mouth shut, I am learning but apparently not fast enough



                          Thanks to this I just learned about "Steak and Blowjob Day". Somebody's getting a Nobel Prize.


                          Too bad for you it fell on March 14th. Looks like you're stuck poopsterbating. And just cause I know you want to know...apparently Herding cats means herding cats.

                            Herding Cats:  Snoop Dog's first career choice.

                            What was I chasing again?

                            "Beep, Beep!"

                              3/23 run details..  Where, when how, etc...

                              Life's journey is not to arrive safely to the grave in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!