Circle North

Group runs (Read 975 times)

    Does anyone want to run early tomorrow?  Say 11am at SIS?  I need to be back home back for work before 12:30

      Yes, I believe I can be available for 11:00.  I'll see you outside unless you hear otherwise from me.



        Yes, I believe I can be available for 11:00.  I'll see you outside unless you hear otherwise from me.

          Thinking about doing a 10-14 mile trail run tomorrow. trail/road mix really but mostly trail.

          Have a 14ish mile loop in mind but could cut it or extend it.

          It won't be fast but it will be a workout.

          No donuts or anything just trail running and some water maybe.

          Morning start. Hopefully no later than 9am.

          L Train

            Doug I'd love to do this another time but not going to today.  Have a good run.


            L Train

              Last minute stuff, Greg and I are running 10ish from the Y at 9:00.  Maybe some hills.  Anyone welcome.


              "Beep, Beep!"

                Sunday... I am heading to Kennebunk to run the Eastern Trail out and back... In the shade. Meet me there at 9:00 AM at Kennebunk Elementary School off Route 35. About. 12 miler.


                Any takers...?

                Life's journey is not to arrive safely to the grave in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!


                  I tweaked my hamstring and I will not be there tonight. NO FREEZE POPS FOR YOU. COME BACK 1 WEEK!

                    Dammit, good thing it's not humid. Are you still racing Saturday?


                    I tweaked my hamstring and I will not be there tonight. NO FREEZE POPS FOR YOU. COME BACK 1 WEEK!


                      Dammit, good thing it's not humid. Are you still racing Saturday?



                      My intention is to run saturday but right now it's day to day. I'll be down there anyway. Look for me at the start line anyway. Go to the right and front 5-10 minutes early and I or my friends can show you how to get into the back entrance to the portsmouth brewery for a last minute bathroom lines. Works every time. See ya.

                        I'm in for Thursday SIS snoodle. I can do noon or 1pm.

                        L Train

                          I'm out today tomorrow.  I'll be slogging around earlier. My brain is mush though so I may accidentally show up thinking it is Friday.


                          (Or maybe I should say I'm coming and totally not show up.  That seems to be me lately.  Sorry about that).


                          What the heck is the matter with me.


                            I think I have finally figured out Does L Train think its Thursday?  Apparently, he's not very good with a calendar either.


                            E - I'm in for Thursday too.  Let's call it noon at SIS.  There should be a Cremer sighting...and maybe Rob can peel himself away from the phone for bit and get his clubs back.


                            I'm in for Thursday SIS snoodle. I can do noon or 1pm.

                            L Train