Circle North

Group runs (Read 975 times)

    Can't make it. I have an easy lunch run tm scheduled for noon. And an easy evening trail trust 5k loop at 5:30p. Also planning an easy morning  long run with hills tomorrow. Easy like Sunday morning which is a planned off day. Go figure.

    L Train

      Missed this, and I ran in that window.  Could have used the company myself.


      L Train

        trail trust 5k loop 


        I want to make some of these.  Is this a Friday night at 5:30 thing?


          yes. Tonight is the first. I'm only doing the short loop.

            Gonna walk over to the Y at 9 Sunday morning and then attempt the mind-boggling feat of jogging around for an hour. Be there. Or not. Your call.

            A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.



                In, jogging an hour sounds good to me.

                CORRECTION: Looks like I'll be spinning at 11 instead. See you all later.

                Older, slower, and trying to keep up with Tall Dave.

                  Gwen and Egad are coming.

                    Gonna walk over to the Y at 6:15 Wednesday evening and then attempt the mind-boggling feat of jogging around for an hour. Be there. Or not. Your call.



                    A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                      Happy trails tomorrow morning. 10 mile loop. Semi flexible on start time. Shapleigh loop. Anyone?

                        It's Tuesday. I can't make it tonight.

                          I cant make Tuesdays at the current time, if anyone else wants to do something on another night after work I am game.  Now that it is summer we can start later too.

                          What was I chasing again?

                            I might run Knox Mountain later if it clears up. It's about 7 miles (3.5 out and back).

                            Also thinking about taking a ride on my mountain bike.

                            If anyone has interest in either or both let me know.

                              Hey you trail runners, becareful out there.  Word in the area is ticks are at an all time high.  Especially those that have to pull off the trail every other mile to pee. 

                              What was I chasing again?

                                Can't make it tonight. Stuck at work.