Sub-4 Marathon Group

February 2013 (Read 64 times)

Rusk Runner

    onemile - Try not to be a slave to the mileage you record in your log.  That is hypocritical for me to say, but good advice nonetheless.  Run a good race and dont worry about your mileage total for the week.

    This is the part where you say "Indi - skip the intervals tonight, run easy, and run the intervals on Friday when your legs feel closer to 100%"

    PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

    Just Run!!!


      Yes, I tend to worry about my mileage too much at the expense of other things.


      onemile - Try not to be a slave to the mileage you record in your log.  That is hypocritical for me to say, but good advice nonetheless.  Run a good race and dont worry about your mileage total for the week.


      And Indi, - I would skip the intervals tonight, run easy, and run the intervals on Friday when your legs feel closer to 100%.  Not worth risking injury. 



      White Lightning

        Sprinkles - I'm running my recovery by feel.  I want to feel better by the end of the run.  I'm hoping for a 9:05 GMP (yet to be determined because I hit some 8:50's last weekend) and I ran a 10:20 recovery today, felt stronger at the end than I did at the beginning.


        Sprinkles - In my opinion, no that is not too slow for a recovery run.  Be very honest in your tempo, VO2, and GMP runs (dont run them slower than what they are or should be).  If I remember correctly, I was training at 8:30 GMP although true GMP at the time was 8:45 (ended up running 8:38 avg).  I tried not to run long runs slower than GMP plus 60 sec.  Typically any longer I stay 30 to 40 sec slower than GMP on long runs.


        Indi - So I look at my GMP miles and my efforts last Sunday, do you think I ran them hard enough?  He says I'm allowed to have my GMP hit 178 bpm (based on my max of 194 ish) I averaged 161-165 and never went over 173 and that was on my significant uphill.  Or should I just continue to keep things a bit conservative since this is my first time following a quality program with a lot of unknowns and make sure I can hit the mileage?  Seems the faster I run, the easier it is.


        Me - 4 Recovery miles on the TM at 10:20 and 1% incline.  Chiro this morning adjusted my hips.  During a one legged squat on my right side my knee wouldn't track over my foot like my left was.  She did her magic and was good to go but really sore afterwards.  Think I'm going to start getting massages

        Play the Game Hard!



          aka - I'd race Shamrock and do half the next week easy. When i have a goal half i usually do no more than 10m week before.


          Question: I've signed up for the Oakland Half on 3/24, and I'm still doing Shamrock on 3/17.  Original plan was to shoot for 1:42-1:44 at Shamrock, but now I'm wondering if I should run Shamrock easy and shoot for that goal at Oakland instead.  Or should I race Shamrock and run Oakland easy?  Any thoughts?


          onemile - that sounds like a plan. Good luck with 15k. I agree don't sacrifice the BIG picture for a race.

          PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


          Up Next:




            Been there done that.Smile lol That WTF 20 miler was a run i was dredding but hit it out of the park when i ran it.


            By the time you reach this workout, you'll be able to do it.  Trust me (I have not done Hanson but my coach had a WTF 20 miler I doubted if I could do it).  You can do it!


            PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


            Up Next:



            Former Bad Ass

              And we loved it!  I remember how confident thay made me feel.


              Been there done that.Smile lol That WTF 20 miler was a run i was dredding but hit it out of the park when i ran it.





                it's what made me change my goal from a 3:35 to a 3:30.


                And we loved it!  I remember how confident thay made me feel.


                PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


                Up Next:




                  Thanks for all the advice!  To docket specifically- no HRM here- another piece of gear to put on the morning is just not going to work right now. Half the time i'm lucky if I remember a Garmin!  I'm better now that pace matters.

                  13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55



                    Rollcast -   Do you have ideas for other possible causes?



                    Compartment syndrome maybe? Next step, deer antler spray

                    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                      Indi - Hope you're feeling better by this evening.  If you're still beaten up, just remember to keep your eye on the longterm prize (aka...consider the rest day).


                      Mdawg - Good luck with the calf and shoe shopping.


                      Akalei - I'm with Jedi, race the Shamrock and turn Oakland into a training run.


                      Sprinkles - As others have said, run the recovery runs based on feel.  10:00 is definitely not too slow, imo.


                        He says I'm allowed to have my GMP hit 178 bpm (based on my max of 194 ish) I averaged 161-165 and never went over 173 and that was on my significant uphill.  Or should I just continue to keep things a bit conservative since this is my first time following a quality program with a lot of unknowns and make sure I can hit the mileage?  Seems the faster I run, the easier it is.


                        Josh - Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're using Pfitz, correct?  If your max is 194, then 178 puts you at almost 92% of MHR, which is much higher than Pfitz's prescribed 88% high end MP (it's actually at the high end of LT pace).  I think you're currently running them just perfectly if you're hanging in the 161-165 range (83-85% MHR). My understanding is that the heart rate ranges he prescribes are for the actual marathon race and account for heart rate drift over 26.2 miles.  Hypothetically speaking, if you were hitting 87-88% of MHR in say mile 10 of a GMP training run, then you're almost certainly training too fast.

                        White Lightning

                          er, sorry 174, 178 is my lactate max.  That's what I figured on the drift, just trying to dial in what speed I should run my GMP miles.  Think keeping them between 8:55 and 9:05 is the way to go so far, the 8:55 on the slight downhills.  Obviously things change though.


                          Drove around today to try to find a flat ice free area for my LT run tomorrow, found a 3/4 mile loop that may have to do

                          Play the Game Hard!


                          Former Bad Ass

                            That is my recollection as well.



                            Josh - Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're using Pfitz, correct?  If your max is 194, then 178 puts you at almost 92% of MHR, which is much higher than Pfitz's prescribed 88% high end MP (it's actually at the high end of LT pace).  I think you're currently running them just perfectly if you're hanging in the 161-165 range (83-85% MHR). My understanding is that the heart rate ranges he prescribes are for the actual marathon race and account for heart rate drift over 26.2 miles.  Hypothetically speaking, if you were hitting 87-88% of MHR in say mile 10 of a GMP training run, then you're almost certainly training too fast.


                            Rusk Runner

                              Josh - What nachos said.  If my HR seems misleading during my last GMP run I apologize.  My HR avg is above GMP range because I am constantly charging up inclines.  A relatively flat course I believe would have me in the range that I need to be in.  Also, I am running a little faster in training than I plan to during the race.  I am probably not the best example to compare GMP runs.  I learned a few things about myself last cycle that I am trying to keep in pratice during this cycle.


                              Nachos - Knee feels fine.  Shins still a tad sore but I think will stay fine as long as I am not running in trail shoes while not on trails.


                              Did the intervals tonight.  3 miles warm up at 9:25 avg.  5 x 800 @ 3:22,3:18, 3:16, 3:20, 3:18, w/ 2:45 rest periods.  1.47 miles cool down.  Got to running a little later than I wanted and it got dark on my last interval and I had no headlamp.  I dont want to do that again.  Might have been a shade fast on 4 of the intervals but I was very comfortable through the entire run.

                              Next week is the dreaded 11 miles w/ 7 @ tempo pace.  Honestly, I like the intervals better.

                              PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                              Just Run!!!


                                Lots of good training going on in here today.


                                Akalei,I also vote for racing the first race ( Shamrock?).


                                Indi, I wish you'd be careful. Knowing that you're running on roads, that your neighbors patrol the streets with shotguns, and that there are zombies hiding in the bushes, makes me wish you'd bring your headlamp when running near dark.

                                PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)