The beautiful persons club

Victoria Secrets and the Brilliant Beauties that work there (Read 564 times)

The Greatest of All Time

    Define hot. If an aging gentleman in his late 60's, balding, with glasses and lots of moles on his face (and I would assume other areas), with glasses, is your definition of hot then... yes, he's hot. Wink He does have a cool Dodge pickup and a '72 convertible Mustang.
    Doesn't sound hot to me. Big grin
    all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

    Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

    Another Passion

      Is he loaded?
      I don't ask him about his bowel movement history. Roll eyes

      "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
      "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


        I think I might need a prenup if I marry the old guy. Don't know I'll live that long. My doctor's visit today... HTFU


        The Greatest of All Time

          I think I might need a prenup if I marry the old guy. Don't know I'll live that long. My doctor's visit today... HTFU
          WTF? Are you ok? Your post has me freaked the fu*k out.
          all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

          Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

          Another Passion

            I think I might need a prenup if I marry the old guy. Don't know I'll live that long. My doctor's visit today... HTFU
            You are in my prayers, Gloria.

            "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
            "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


              WTF? Are you ok? Your post has me freaked the fu*k out.
              I don't know. Saturday they say I'm depressed, it's anxiety and today I'm the cardiac unit. When in the ER I said that I'd much rather be crazy than have a heart condition. I have to stay at the hospital for sure tonight. I had an eco-cardiogram today and cat scan. No results. Ya, to be honest I'm scared too. They had all these cardialogist in the ER, talking about calling Mayo. They were all ready incase my heart when spassie again. My doc is awesome. It was the first time I actually saw my doctor, and he's like you've been sick and feeling bad for too long. He was just about to order blood tests when I blacked out. He said he carried me to the table. He's kind of a hunk. LOL Told him later all the girls fall at his feet. I asked doc is this because I ran that race sick, he said no. I guess this type of thing is normally hard to find usually. They don't know if the fainting was because of the heart rythm. Who ta thunk, 24 hours ago my biggest problem was being on antidepressent, I say who gives a shit.


              Another Passion

                Thank you for the update, Gloria, and again, I will be praying for you.

                "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                The Greatest of All Time

                  I don't know. Saturday they say I'm depressed, it's anxiety and today I'm the cardiac unit. When in the ER I said that I'd much rather be crazy than have a heart condition. I have to stay at the hospital for sure tonight. I had an eco-cardiogram today and cat scan. No results. Ya, to be honest I'm scared too.
                  You'll be fine Bugs. Keep yer chin up. During my illness (2004) my gf at the time came home one night and could not wake me up. I woke up in the ICU 18 hours later and had no idea where I was. I had all of these tests done, including cardiac tests. At that time my ejection fraction was only about 25% (abnormally low). Now I am seeing cardiologists. WTF??? Less than 4 years ago (1999) I raced the Ironman and now you're telling me I have a bad ticker??? As with everything else that was wrong with me at the time, no one could ever say what caused it or how to stop it. The heart thing was gone in a couple of months, but I had to take heart meds like Toprol XL. I was also hypertensive and taking Lisinopril for that. I was also on Coumadin and about 8 other drugs. So yeah, I learned to never take my health for granted. Maybe it's why I am so OCD about my health these days. I am sure there is nothing seriously wrong and you'll be back at it real soon. Please keep in touch and keep your family close. {{{{Hugssss}}}}
                  all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                  Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


                    (((Hugs 4 Bugs))) I'm freaked out for ya', girl. I really hope they find some easy-to-fix cause of the erratic stuff your body's been doing.

                    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                         ~ Sarah Kay


                      Man I'm bored. Funny Marcus tonight for supper I was like I'm eatign whatever I want, it may be my last meal. I had hamburger and french fries and two cookies. Good food. I'm sure I'll switch to eat like you but not going to think about that today. screw it. When I was in ER, I was saying that at the doctor's office on Saturday my problem was I was crazy, and now you say it's a heart problem. I'd rather be crazy. Also you know what really sucks...calling someone to help you pee. This gowns could use a victoria secret makeover too.



                        You'll be fine Bugs. Keep yer chin up. During my illness (2004) my gf at the time came home one night and could not wake me up. I woke up in the ICU 18 hours later and had no idea where I was. I had all of these tests done, including cardiac tests. At that time my ejection fraction was only about 25% (abnormally low). Now I am seeing cardiologists. WTF??? Less than 4 years ago (1999) I raced the Ironman and now you're telling me I have a bad ticker??? As with everything else that was wrong with me at the time, no one could ever say what caused it or how to stop it. The heart thing was gone in a couple of months, but I had to take heart meds like Toprol XL. I was also hypertensive and taking Lisinopril for that. I was also on Coumadin and about 8 other drugs. So yeah, I learned to never take my health for granted. Maybe it's why I am so OCD about my health these days. I am sure there is nothing seriously wrong and you'll be back at it real soon. Please keep in touch and keep your family close. {{{{Hugssss}}}}
                        THANK YOU. Shit Marcus, is there anything you haven't been through?


                          I had to read your post on the main forum a couple of times to get it to sink in. (((((bugs))))) Keep thinking positive thoughts and soon this will all be a figured out and in the past.
                          Shit Marcus, is there anything you haven't been through?


                          The Greatest of All Time

                            THANK YOU. Shit Marcus, is there anything you haven't been through?
                            It was a very long, shitty ride. The worst thing I ever went through. I worst thing I can imagine. And I know it might appear that I have been through a lot, but not by comparison. There are tons of people who have it worse then me. I was fortunate that I got better. You will be fine babe. This is just a test. That's all it is. I am not a religious person so I am not going to write something from scripture. But I really do believe everything seems to happen for a reason. I didn't meet my current wife until I had my health back and was in shape again. I look at my journey through that illness as a serious reshaping of my character and it changed me big time. I am so quiet now. Don't like to talk very much if it's not necessary. I needed to be taught to treasure every day and always be positive. If I had not made those changes in myself, her and I would not be compatible. As bad as it was, if going through that got me to her, it was worth it. But what a price to pay. It's just a test.
                            all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                            Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


                              Thanks Marcus. They are sending the print out of my irregular rythm to Mayo Clinic..the cardiolgists here can't make any sense of it. My blood work was normal though. I feel yucky, but I think it's just the stress of it. I'm kind of thinking screw running, I just want to play dough with my kids, make chocolate chip cookies with them, take them to the Y go swimming. They said I may be very lucky that they caught the heart thing, because had I not passed out in the ambulance and all hooked up they wouldn't have caught it. They said I might have to go to Rochester for more testing, maybe I'll get my miles in yet. LOL Frick I need a lawyer, I got no will, and the land has no benificiary. Actually this is funny. My siblings and I own a LLP and my brother just had a will done and turns out there is nothing on the deed for survivorship. He says that if one of us dies it would go to the siblings. Now I can't imagine my siblings would do that..but I've been wrong about people before. Worry about that later I guess. Anyone know any good jokes?


                              The Greatest of All Time

                                Definitely get yourself sorted out before you even think about running. Irregular heart rhythms can happen for so many different reasons as I am sure your doctor has told you. It's likely a temporary condition that hopefully will solve itself. It's a very positive thing that your labs came back normal. I am not going to address your legal questions because I think you will be fine. Just stay positive. Everything will be ok.
                                all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                                Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.