The beautiful persons club

You can take the girl out of the 'hood (Read 452 times)

    No wait, you really can. I'm going condo shopping today. Yay!!! Got my mortgage lined up and everything. Big grin


    The Greatest of All Time

      Dude, sweet!
      all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

      Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


        Good luck! It took us over a year to find our place, but prices have come down a bit since then so it isn't quite as crazy.

        Run to Win
        25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)


        One day at a time

          Good luck, Amy! Will this be the first home you've bought?
            Thanks guys! Just got back from looking at two. Yes, this will be my first home so I'm very excited. I'm going to keep looking - neither of these two ideal. I'll let you guys know when I find a good one. Big grin



            One day at a time

              Just a heads-up - every real estate transaction we've been involved with has been a little bumpy - seems to be par for the course. The good news is that every one of them worked out OK, but they were all rollercoaster rides! I tell people to remember that all the parties involved want your money, so they usually find a way to make it happen!!
                Just a heads-up - every real estate transaction we've been involved with has been a little bumpy - seems to be par for the course. The good news is that every one of them worked out OK, but they were all rollercoaster rides! I tell people to remember that all the parties involved want your money, so they usually find a way to make it happen!!
                Good advice, Teresa. Thanks!!! Smile




                  Dude, this is such an awesome time to be a buyer! I'd love it if we could move to something new--of course unloading what we currently live in would be the challenge. I am UBER jealous of folks buying for the first time! Smile

                  Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                  remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                       ~ Sarah Kay

                    Yeah, a lot of us first-time home buyers have been priced out of the Southern California market for a long time now. The prices are coming down, but sadly it's because of the whole mortgage crisis. Lots of people are hurting here. Sad


                    A Saucy Wench

                      I know...some of the new houses near me have me drooling...but I could never sell this house for anything close to what we paid for it. sigh

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7



                        I know...some of the new houses near me have me drooling...but I could never sell this house for anything close to what we paid for it. sigh
                        Yeah, that's where we're at. We could sell, but we'd not likely sell for more than we paid--even after putting well over $20k into this place. Ick.

                        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                             ~ Sarah Kay


                          Once Erin is out of law school and working, we might look to get a second place while things are cheap and rent out our current place until the market turns around. Then again, we might not.

                          Run to Win
                          25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)


                          One day at a time

                            Once Erin is out of law school and working, we might look to get a second place while things are cheap and rent out our current place until the market turns around. Then again, we might not.
                            I would advise caution up here, Blaine. The market might take quite awhile to turn around, like it did in the early 90s. It took us over a year to sell our first house, and then we still lost the money we'd put into renovating it. At least that meant we were able to afford a lot on the Royal River then! A couple had bought it to build their retirement home one, and then couldn't afford to keep making payments on it. We put in a low offer, and they accepted it.


                              I would advise caution up here, Blaine. The market might take quite awhile to turn around, like it did in the early 90s.
                              It took us over a year to find a house because we were so cautious, so don't lose any sleep on my account. We qualified for twice as much house as we bought, and right now are on pace to pay off the mortgage in 7-8 years despite being on a single income for the past year and a half. Our main motivation for "upgrading" would be to avoid doing renovations on our existing house once we start having children, since I don't know how well we could recoup those costs. And that's why we'd rent out the house rather than sell it to finance another house - with the timing of when we bought I doubt that we'd be able to make much off the sale if anything. If we did buy a second house once she starts working, it would have to be at a level that we could afford to pay both mortgages should we not find tenants to fill our current house, and we probably wouldn't do anything unless we thought we were reasonably sure that we could cover the monthly mortgage w/rent payments and at least break even (w/a maintenance budget) anyway. When we bought our house, the only debt that Erin and I had was about $18k in student loan debt that I hadn't paid off yet that I have at a ridiculously low interest rate (~2%) - granted, when she graduates, we'll have another $60k in student loan debt, but we don't carry balances on our credit cards and we pay cash for our vehicles. Half of our extra money every month goes to savings and the rest goes towards the mortgage.

                              Run to Win
                              25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)

                                Good luck Amy!!! Happy house hunting!!! It's really fun to be a first time buyer. Not only do you get to see all kinds of neat places, it's like getting a sneak peak into other people's lives. A little voyeristic, but in a good way. Best of luck finding your perfect place. You'll know when you find the right place for you. Ryan and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary of getting our first place - and we still absolutely love it!!