The beautiful persons club

Knee update (Read 367 times)


I've got a fever...

    As Globule would say... "may the force be with you."
    Well, I am a huge Star Wars fan, but my Globule persona is probably more likely to say, "Your mom will be in good hands while you're under."

    On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

    A Saucy Wench

      I got you both beat...somewhere there is video of my boob reduction (my plastic surgeon used my procedure video at some surgical conference, since he developed the technique he used and trains other surgeons to use it, as well) and there were photos of my "girls" in a plastic surgery journal sometime back in '04. Evil grin
      This thread is useless without...oh..nevermind.

      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7



        This thread is useless without...oh..nevermind.
        Heh, I do have some--but they are really not pretty. Unless bloody Frankenboobies with iodine stains is hot (nowadays that's a different story--scars aren't visible unless a person knows to look for them). Wink

        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

             ~ Sarah Kay

          Godspeed number 1.


            Will be thinking about you Marcus! Try to make the most out of your recovery; read books, etc.. Hey and don't flirt with the nurses too much. Bet they will be trying to sneak a peek at wants under your gown. Big grin


            Another Passion

              I got you both beat...somewhere there is video of my boob reduction (my plastic surgeon used my procedure video at some surgical conference, since he developed the technique he used and trains other surgeons to use it, as well) and there were photos of my "girls" in a plastic surgery journal sometime back in '04. Evil grin
              How'd I miss this?!? Could you put them on the "Before and After" thread Zoomy? Big grin

              "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
              "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

              Another Passion

                Bet they will be trying to sneak a peek at wants under your gown. Big grin
                That's easy... a kilt. Sheesh!

                "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                Another Passion

                  Well, I am a huge Star Wars fan, but my Globule persona is probably more likely to say, "Your mom will be in good hands while you're under."
                  Good call... my bad.

                  "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                  "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby



                    How'd I miss this?!? Could you put them on the "Before and After" thread Zoomy? Big grin
                    Well, I don't have the photos. I imagine they are pretty grisly. We took some over the course of my healing and they make me shudder when I look back. Reconstructive surgery ain't pretty at first, that's for certain. A friend of mine had double mastectomy and now has temporary implants in place until the permanent ones re inserted. I imagine she has some horrible scarring and brusing from that. That reminds me, Marcus, is your surgery going to be done laparoscopically? That's nice should have minimal scarring.

                    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                         ~ Sarah Kay

                    Another Passion

                      Well, I don't have the photos.
                      Party pooper! Angry

                      "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                      "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                      The Greatest of All Time

                        That reminds me, Marcus, is your surgery going to be done laparoscopically? That's nice should have minimal scarring.
                        Arthroscopically. 3 small port holes. You know what's really messed up, I am looking forward to this not so I can again run, but because I get a day out of the office!
                        all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                        Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.
                          Marcus, good luck today with the surgery! Best wishes for a quick recovery.


                          Oh Mighty Wing

                            GOOD LUCK!!!! I hope you enjoy your day off of work!

                            The Greatest of All Time

                              The surgery went well. What I am about to explain was what I think was said to me while I was in the recovery room, but...the fat pad behind my knee was dislocated and had been seriously injured as well. Essentially I had some bone to bone contact going on in there which must have been what I was feeling. My doc reattached everything and shaved down the damaged pieces parts. Sitting here tonight I am in zero pain. It just feels weird with this wrap on my leg. I have to wait about 3-4 days before I can start cycling but I can do upper body weight training so that's what I will be doing beginning tomorrow morning. It's just nice to know I am not crazy. I knew something wasn't right in there. I have pictures taken from the camera inside my knee but they are not that thrilling. Here are some pics taken this evening as I unwrapped my knee for the first time to have a look. This is how it looked afterwards: This is about 1/2 way unwrapped: Now I am demumified: And for a closeup: From looking at the pictures it appears I had only two port holes cut out. Nice. I get the stiches out in about 10 days and start physical therapy around the same time. If everything goes well I will be running again in six weeks and hopefully pain free. Again, thanks for the well wishes from everyone. It really means a lot to me.
                              all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                              Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

                              Non ducor, duco.

                                Wow! Those are some pictures. Are you drugged up? I'm glad all went well and here's to getting back to normal soon!