Ultra Runners


August 2020 Ultra Training Thread (Read 26 times)


Are we there, yet?

    Hungary basically closed it borders to foreigners, so the EMU 6-Day Race has been cancelled.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





    Running to eat

      Ran 63 miles last week and finished August with 282 miles.  Calf feeling good as long as I keep stretching it.  Back in the Chicago area for my last month of training before an early October 100-mile attempt.

      Marathon PR: 2:52 (2006 Chicago)

      Ultra #1: DNF at The North Face Thailand 100K (Feb 4, 2017)

      Ultra #2: Finished in 6:53:03 at the Des Plaines River Trail Races 50M (Oct 14, 2017)

      Ultra #3: Finished in 12:55:04 at The North Face Thailand 100k (Feb 1, 2020)

      Ultra #4: Finished self-organized 100-miler in 19:28:53 (Oct 3, 2020)

        looking at maybe a 120M week depending what happens today. maybe 116 a lot of it was a struggle with gut issues and poor absorption but also some breakout progressions and fartleky stuff. two days left in the RATBATCATGNAT thing. about 40M from Knoxville dont think ill make it there but currently in 161st place.

        so much for my contrarian thoughts about zone 1 type training but adding some speed back in has brought the joy back and probably injuries to follow.

        they waived the requirements for the inagural Cocodona 250 next year and my Cousin suggested i try it. i saw Seamax yesterday (he finished the GNAT!) getting his thoughts on the sleep monster. i think that for that price i should get better than a fist come first serve shared stinky tent. if i could figure out a way to get enough rest i think i could do 50M/day for 5 days but not with the sleep monster drag. i wouldn't make it 2 days!


        Cocodona 250 looks like an interesting race.  Some great scenery for sure.  But ouch on the price, although that seems comparable to the Tahoe 200, IIRC (where you also get to sleep in stinky, shared sleep quarters, first come, first served).


        Made it up to 48 miles last week.  Just chugging along...

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

        Pain is my friend

          70 miles last weeek and 5,500 ft vert.  My long run was a solo marathon in 3:30 on road.

          ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

          Bear 100 22:08 2021 

          Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


          Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

          Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

          Ute 100 Aug

          24 hour loop race?

