Ultra Runners


Oil Creek 100 Recap (Read 34 times)

Keep Going

    Hey everyone, finished my first 100 miler last weekend and it was a blast! I wrote a race report if anyone is interested. Now I must decide whether or not to run a spring 100 or just wait and run Eastern States. I am chomping at the bit to run another one!!


    Oil Creek 100

    100 milers are my favorite


      Great recap and congrats on your race!

      Keep Going

        Great recap and congrats on your race!


        Thanks Flatfooter!

        100 milers are my favorite



        Are we there, yet?

          Fascinating! With the detail you give I feel like I'm there with you. I love the mental aspect and how you were able to keep yourself going. Hope we can meet up at Labor Pain or Dirty German one of these years.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




            Congratulations on your first 100 and on it being Oil Creek!  Great report!  Way to earn that buckle!

            Back in 2012 I did a training run on the OC course, something like 27 miles.  The training run was what convinced me that I wasn't ready for that technical of a run for my first 100 miler!  It was incredible though!  Loved it!


            Keep Going

              Fascinating! With the detail you give I feel like I'm there with you. I love the mental aspect and how you were able to keep yourself going. Hope we can meet up at Labor Pain or Dirty German one of these years.


              Thanks George! Would love to meet up at a race. I won't do either of those next year though but will be doing Naked Bavarian since I deferred from last year. It's super cheap and on easy trails at Blue Marsh. You should sign up!

              100 milers are my favorite


              Keep Going

                Congratulations on your first 100 and on it being Oil Creek!  Great report!  Way to earn that buckle!

                Back in 2012 I did a training run on the OC course, something like 27 miles.  The training run was what convinced me that I wasn't ready for that technical of a run for my first 100 miler!  It was incredible though!  Loved it!


                Thank You Michelle!

                100 milers are my favorite