Womens Running




    Only have one more day to the weekend,,, woo hoo!


      Morning dearies....


      RR: Did a nice 5.5 outside pushing M yesterday. It was so nice....  its is a rest day.


      NRR:  I found a weekly program at the aquarium for M and I. I may check out the children's museum near us. Working on M's bday party, its a little tricky since many guests are family coming from out-of-state. 


      Gotta run... M is up.


      Have a great day!

      MA runner girl

        Good morning GSD! A weekly program at the aquarium sounds great! Glad you are finding options. I can imagine it's hard to plan anything with out of towners!


        RR: Didn't end up doing anything yesterday. I got on my parents treadmill and it was making REALLY funky noises so I didn't run. Who knows when the thing was used to walk/run on and not as a collector of stuff, lol. Gym tonight for 3 miles.


        NRR: Feeling cute today Smile No belly burning right now, but I haven't been sitting long. I am working at home for a few hours and then heading to the jewelers to drop off my rings for an appraisal and into the office. Hopefully I can pick them up on the way home... I hate being ringless!! Also going to the chiro after work, wondering if maybe an adjustment will help the belly burn. I guess I'm depserate at this point! Not much else, DH comes home tomorrow... hopefully... he started mentioning how he may not be coming home Friday night because there is just so much work up there. I kinda got upset... oops. We have plans to go to a Uconn Football game on Saturday and the tickets were $40! Blah.


        Have a great day girls!

        PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16


          Good morning!


          GSD - The acquarium program sounds great! I hope you can make some decisions about the party. I know its hard when people aren't local. Can't believe M will be 1 year!


          MA - Aww, hope DH can come as planned! I'd be upset too. Fingers crossed for no belly burning for you!


          RR - Did 1 mile this morning, wasn't feeling it, and decided to cut it at 1. I came to work early instead. Blah.


          NRR - Couldn't get in for my mani yesterday, they were too busy to take me! This is what I get for having gels and waiting too long, blah. I might see if somewhere around here can take them off on my lunch and I'll get a regular mani. Other than that I'm feeling really cranky and I was up half the night being a worrywart, arguing with DBF when I busted him doing something I specifically asked him not to (smoke cigs in our living room. Yeah, I date a smoker Sad ) and I'm just so DONE with this week it isn't even funny. I haven't done any packing nor have I washed my swimsuits. I'm going to take all your advice though and do them by hand tonight or even Friday night.


          Have a great day! I'll try to cheer up. That post is WHINEY, reading it over. Get over yourself Jewel!


            good morning ladies!


            RR: good easy 1 mile and 20 min of strength training this morning. felt good and I'm not pushing it!


            NRR: had an awesome massage last night where he focused on my sinuses and specifically reflex points. holy cow. even better today, and so far no meds! Having a good breakfast of oatmeal, nuts and blueberries and then it's work. have a meeting tonight from 4 to 6 which means I don't get out of work til later. oh well.


            gsd: good luck with the birthday plans for M! way to go on that run pushing M! awesome ab work!


            MA: wish I could send my massage therapist your way! he has a solution for everything!! hope that burn stays away for as long as possible today!


            jewel: sorry that you caught DBF smoking in your living room. Sad that would make me upset too. and hope you get that mani done eventually!


            ok... need to start working on specs. The day begins!




              Good morning, DIVAS!  Smile


              I hope that everyone's Friday Eve is off to a good start!


              gsd - The weekly program at the aquarium sounds like fun!  I hope it will work out for you and M! Smile  Glad you had such a nice run yesterday; enjoy the rest day, today! Big grin


              MA - Yikes on the creaky treadmill!  You ARE cute, silly! Wink  I hope that you are able to get some of the relief going to the Chiropractor today; but, good to hear that the belly burning is not too bad! Smile  It sounds like you have a busy day!  I also hate being ring-less...


              Jewel - ((Hugs)) Your post did not sound whiny.  You had a tough day.  Those really stink. Sad  I hope that today goes better for you!


              lizo - I am glad to hear the massage helped!  Woo hoo!  Your breakfast sounds awesome!  I have oatmeal most days of the week. Big grin  YUM!  Sorry that you  have to work late tonight, though.  Yuck! Joking


              RR:  We did 6 miles from the Zoo with our other RP.  The temperatures were much warmer this morning, which was nice.  I still probably overdressed a hair, but I did not want to run too fast. Joking  I love coming to work after our morning runs; I feel so relaxed, and just want to fall asleep in my office... Blush


              NRR:  Last night, we just made a really tasty (quick) dinner, and I camped out on the couch for most of the evening until we went up to bed.  I have been SO sleepy in the evenings, I can hardly keep my eyes open. Joking  Today, I am just hoping for some more work to keep me busy.  Although, that is not looking so promising until my supervisors get back on Monday (they are at a conference this week).  I might have to find something else productive to do... Shy


              Well, I had better keep getting myself ready to go!  I hope that everyone has an awesome day!


                Good morning girls, it's me, Mel. I'm back in town and really upset about my race...I'll write later my 1/4 race report since It was a fail.

                Really not happy to be back. I have jelly fish stings all over my body-may face, arms, face, legs, boobd, earlobe, back, stomach, everywhere. I ended up going to the uregent care on Tuesday night and got 5 day prednisone treatment and a stronger antibiotic topical ointment. Such a disappointing race. IM not happy to bE back. Now it's back to reality. I have not exercised since sunday. I hope to get lack on the bandwagon tomorrow. Just in post race blues, Xmas without my immediate family funk, and reality funk.


                Gsd, happy early birthday to miss M!!!!


                Lizo can you send your massage therapist over here???


                Ma, hope DH can come earlier and you can get relief from chiro.


                Jewel, hand wash the suit's it'll be quicker! Hope you feel better, hugs. Xoxoxoxo


                  Good morning, ladies!


                  RR: SRD today. ST tonight.


                  NRR: Got all my baking and laundry done last night. I'm in a bad mood right now because the dang cats kept making racket in the wee hours of the morning, which woke me up. I love them dearly but sometimes...      Not much else going on right now. Busy at work, which is nice.


                  Mel - You need to give yourself some time to be upset about your race, and please, let yourself be upset. You put a lot of effort into training, and it's totally normally to feel down. Just don't wallow too long. Smile


                  GSD - The aquarium sounds awesome! That should be exciting for you, too.


                  MA - So is it indigestion you're experiencing?


                  Jewel - Sorry yesterday was frustrating..it happens. I'd be upset with DBF, too. Why in the house?


                  Lizo - Sounds like you have a good massage therapist.. kind of like mine!


                  Cara - I feel relaxed after my morning runs, but then I get irritated that I have to go to work. I really like working from home. Maybe I'll do that next week some.




                    RR: Skipped it again today. DH still isn't feeling good so I had to take care of A this morning. Maybe tomorrow? 


                    NRR: Not much today... its been a long week even though I didn't work Monday, its just been hard with not all of us at 100%. Last night DH wasn't feeling good after work so went straight to bed. A and I made macaroni and cheese together and had lots of fun and then went to entertain DH until it was time for her to go to bed. I finally finished the last of the chores that got neglected over the weekend while I was sick. Its nice to have a clean kitchen again! We're hoping DH gets better for the weekend because its supposed to be really nice so we might go hang out downtown and ride the holiday trolley and also maybe buy a present to donate.


                    meli: I'm sorry to hear about your race and those stings sound awful! I agree with outwest though... give yourself time to be upset. Hugs dear!


                      Yay! just registered for the st patty's day run for next March 17. I'm going to do the irishman, which is a 5 miler, 5k then 1 miler spaced 2 hours apart. Keeps me downtown a lot that day, but should be fun. Smile


                      cara: hope you find stuff to keep you busy the rest of this week! your night last night sounds awesome... camping out on the couch = priceless.


                      mel: hugs girl. The fact that you trained so hard and got started goes a long way. doesn't make it feel any better. but all those jellyfish bites! is that normal for an ironman race? Can race officials do anything about something like that? I'm sending my massage therapist over! Wink


                      outwest: boo about the cats waking u! I hate, hate that when Anna decides she wants me to wake up. boo that. hope you are able to get some rest later today.


                        MA: Yay for working from home for a few hours. Totally, understand about the rings. I take mine during M's bath time... and I go crazy. 


                        OJ: Sorry, about the busy week. The week is almost over hang in there.


                        Lizo: Interesting about the massage to help the sinuses. Hope you continue to feel better.


                        Cara: I loved my morning runs before work. Made dealing with the morning rush so much easier. Now, its a little bit more of a production to get out the door with M and breastfeeding. But soon that will end and I will be back out there.


                        Meli: Keep your chin up. **hugs**


                        out: Yikes! Maybe you can put the cats in timeout? LOL


                        Monk: Hope you guys feel better soon...


                          Morning Ladies!


                          Sitting here at the hospital waiting for my appointment. Dr. Hottie is such a popular guy! There was yet another emergency he needed to deal with in the OR this morning. UGH. But, it also confirms my belief that he is truly amazing and everyone wants him to be the one to cut into their brain Smile The nurse estimated I should be seen around 1 p.m. UGH. But I have my computer, so I'm just writing up some lesson plans and doing some work. 


                          I had another bad night. Was up for most of it. It seems that I just can't lay flat without having to vomit. And in between that, the nausea is so bad. My vision is blurry. My neck is killing me. My head is pulsing/pounding. I can't remember anything. My anxiety is thru the roof. When I do sleep I am woken up by crazy dreams and pulsing pain. UGH. I want this over and done with. Sad


                          gsd: I love the pictures on FB of M. She is so cute! 


                          MA: I hope you are feeling good! Miss you!


                          OJewel: It's okay to whine! I do it all the time! And somehow I feel better afterwards! Smile


                          lizo: Glad  your massage was good last night! 


                          cara: I hear ya on wanting to fall asleep in your morning coffee


                          Meli: HUGS. So proud of you, girl! <3 


                          Outwest: Bake anything good last night? 


                          Monk: Glad you and A enjoy your Mac and Cheese! BEST dinner ever! LOVE mac and cheese, too! 


                            rltw: hugs girl! hang in there and I'm glad you're finally in to see the doc. it's been a long, long wait of a few weeks for you. Hope the appt goes well!


                              Jewel- Sorry your week is crummy. Hope it improves! 


                              Meli- HUGS! I know you're disappointed but you'll get out of your funk soon! And we still think you're an AWESOME ROCKSTAR!! 


                              RLTW- Hope you get in to see the doc soon and the appt goes well! 


                              Cara- We had a dinner like that too and then went to bed early. I needed extra sleep, I guess! 




                              RR. I didn't do my abs/arms yesterday, so those today, plus a run, maybe 4-5 miles. Not feeling very motivated... 


                              NRR. Working from home today. Kind of have a lot to do, so trying not to get tooooo distracted! 

                              Humboldt Redwoods Half Marathon 10.20.2013 

                              Tiburon by the Bay Half Marathon 11.3.2013 (My Birthday!) 

                              Napa Valley Full Marathon 3.2.2013



                              Half: 1:48

                              Full: 4:34



                                rltw: Thinking of you!


                                NC: hope you find some motivation. I am losing mine, but I got a ton of stuff done. Smile 
