Womens Running


Never Forget WEDNESDAY (DAILIES) (Read 19 times)


    Where were YOU 18 years ago at this moment?  Crazy it's already been 18 years!!


      Howdy all.  Never made it here yesterday.  Busy prepping for Friday night work.  It's a go.  18 years ago, I was at work and on the phone with the fella I was dating at the time when the second plane hit.  The world changed forever that day.  Did 4mi early yesterday, nothing today so far.  Had plans but a storm was rolling through.  Now it's just raining and supposed to most of the day.  Not sure if I'll get out there later or not.


      Met with the lender last week and meeting with realtor on Friday.  For those that asked - I want to move outa the townhouse in the 'burbs and into a house in the city.  Targeting a cute, quiet neighborhood where I can walk to shops, yoga and have a dog for the yard.


      Margaret - oh my gosh, I absolutely LOVED your RR!!  You are honestly one of the most positive people I have ever met.  And, no doubt, that translates to your success in these long races!!  Glad you are feeling so good physically.  Any thoughts on what's next?  Well, after a nice long rest, I would think.  I love that picture of you at the end with all your swag.  Yes, you look tired but also very content.  Hope you continue to bask in that incredibly feeling!!


      Lisa - hope you are feeling better.  That sure sounded like a very ill-timed virus of some sort.  Unbelievable you pushed on as long as you did!  You are one tough cookie!  Exciting about the condo purchase!  But, yeah, not great timing on all that.  You always have such a positive attitude, no doubt you will get that hondo next time.


      Kat - nice on the delayed flight worked in your favor!  Perhaps good karma after all you gave in crewing this past weekend.  You are one Kool Krew Kat 


      Liz - sleeping in for me is about 7am.  Yes, a few of my coworkers are in bands.  The one playing at the winery next weekend is a guy that plays with wife and daughter.  Mostly covers which I like.  Ooooh, I do like that Old Town Road song!  Sounds like you are more excited about Hawaii than getting married!  LOL  I can't believe how quick that is coming up.  I best ping my cat sitter to make sure she's available.  Hope you get your title change.  Though I'd rather have a raise than a change in title!!


      Elina - super cool about the meteor!  I'm rarely out after dark to see such LOL.  I like your plan of having floorball be your speedwork!  What are the minis up to these days?  Any new tricks?


      Sue - that's great to have your mom around - sounds like you are doing some fun things.  Nice work dropping those few pesky pounds!!


      Laura - congrats on your speedy 8mi race!  Mackinac is on my bucket list but it's such a dang long drive.  How far is it from you?


      Damaris - hope the MT can fix up your hammie right quick!  How's the packing going?


      Karen - awwww that's great that DH is willing to visit your family with you.  Wow, that'll be quite a drive!  But, yeah, less hassle than an airport that time of year.


      Tessa - I bet that room looks awesome!  Even with Smurf Blue haha.  Nice of you to get up early with RN.  I've been doing that and getting pretty used to it.  How are the kit kats?


      Shameless Season 9 just came out on Netflix - ep 1 had me cracking up so bad.  Good stress relief after my 2nd trip to the bank in two days.  Hope today is the third times a charm and I get it all done.  This whole dissolution of my parent's estate is a lot of work.  Have a good Wednesday!


      Cupcake Connoisseur

        12.2 easy miles for me.


        Pretty good run considering I didn't want to be out there - ha. Humid but not too bad. Tough run coming up on Friday.


        I was a freshman in high school. Had no idea the impact of what happened or even where the towers were – LOL.  My dad worked in DC so I was a bit concerned about that. I remember getting off of the school bus and my mom gave me the biggest hug and just held me for a second and told me my dad was fine. He didn’t get home that night until around midnight due to the traffic around the city. I have listened to those 911 tapes from the towers – ugh, I just can’t even think about it. Somber day for sure.



        Margaret – OMG Margaret. I read your RR while enjoying a cup of coffee and maybe cried a little when I got to the end. What an amazing experience that you crushed. You went through the highs and lows but wow, you made it – even with the extra mileage!!! You are inspiring!! Not sure why you are not hungry – LOL. I am sure you may be ravenous in a few days! Congratulations Margaret!! Wait, so there were naked 5K runners?!


        Docket – I am crazy busy with the new sites but think I will tell my boss on our weekly call that I love it. Hope they let me keep them 😉. Or at least some..most of this guys were out in KY! Not an easy drive there – HA.


        Run4kupcakes – Nice miles!


        Tessa – WOOHOO on the room almost being done! You should post pics 😊 How are the kitties doing?



        My inbox is exploding! Have a great day everyone.



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


        Cupcake Connoisseur

          Sandy – I am freaking out a little about your move. That was always my dream – to move to a cute house in the city with cute shops and a yard! AH. That’s exiting! I may invite myself over once you have everything said and done 😉. Since Friday night is a go, do you think you’ll have to work over the weekend? Season 9 is out?! I need to go watch! Not sure why I wait on Netflix, I have Showtime via the Firestick. LOL. Good luck getting out there today and good luck at the bank.



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

          Anonymous Guest

            Good morning,

            18 years ago I was sleeping in. I was between jobs because we'd moved from CA to MD and I hadn't yet found a new one there. When I did get up I didn't turn on the TV right away, so I was blissfully unaware until DH called freaking out. Phone lines were jammed so he'd been trying for awhile. He was at work and could see the Pentagon burning. Everyone in DC was freaked out and worried about what would happen next, so everyone went home and the beltway was a parking lot. Took him a really long time to get home.


            This morning I feel like crap. On the edge of a migraine - hoping these two cups of coffee are enough to keep it at bay. Plus my right heel hurts - yesterday's strength workout included maybe a minute of various jumping type things.......I should know by now that any jumping (even jumping up during burpees) aggravates PF in that foot. Hope that goes away. So rest day for me. Last night I ran 5 with the group doing hills. Storms rolled through and we had that "do we run or not" conversation. It looked like the closest storm would pass just to the west of us and the one to the south was dying out. We could hear thunder, and saw lightning on the way to the park, but it didn't seem to be coming our way, so we took off agreeing that if it came closer we were all running to the nearest shelter. It rained a little but the storms stayed away and we got our run done.


            Margaret, fantastic race report and race! I should have realized that you'd be close to cutoffs towards the end but for some reason didn't. That must have added a little stress. But you did it! Even with the extra mileage (and yes, I did wonder why you had that one split over 3 hours). That was what you came for!!!!


            Tessa, awesome that DS' room is almost done. I know you've done a lot of work on other rooms, do you have any left to update?


            Sandy, a little house in the city where you can walk to things and have a little yard for a dog sounds awesome.


            Liz, nice run this morning. Is the Friday run just long or is it long with some MP miles in there?

            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

            Check out my website and youtube channel


              Hm.. I was at home ready to go to kindergarden, obviously not fully grasping what had happened. Only watched some movies / read books many years later.


              HCK, I asked my friend about the “no horses” sign, and no – it has nothing to do w theraphy mini-horses” – a client wanted to bring a full-sized horse on board.


              Karen, ugh... Hope you feel better soon!!


              Margaret, how is the ankle (the one that was swollen) feeling? Wow, I’ll leave reading that RR for evennig's post-run cup of tea under blankets Smile


              Liz, nice miles! LR on Friday?


              Sandy, uhm... Friday night work. Friday 13th. Full moon. What could possibly go wrong  One of my favorite latest trick of mini's is ''let's finally allow parents get some sleep'' Big grin House in the city plan sounds amazing! We've been thinking about too, but for now the quiet suburbs are just fine Smile Especially w floorball arena 2km away!


              3k run + 90mins of floorball. My legs were still a bit tired, but the practice went surprisingly well. Probably because of the recent ''do I want to play at all'' dilemma, I felt really relaxed on the rink. Took risks and just improvised. To put it shortly - simply didn't give a s---. And it worked. Mistakes were made, of course, but all in all I hadn't played w such confidence in, uhm, at least 2 years. Funny how it works.


              Back to work!


               ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


              ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris



                I was working for Wiltel a telecom company and we have a switch near the towers...lost connection to it as I was watching the traffic on the lines, we had a TV monitor in the area and saw the whole thing...my dad called and asked if I was watching.  I was just across the river when the first shuttle blew up and saw that happen, it was the worst until the towers came down.  It was not a good week.

                LC Runs

                  Hey Ladies!


                  May run after work, did not have the mojo to get out this morning LOL


                  9/11/01 - I was pregnant with #3 and had taken my oldest to Preschool.  #2 and I went to the grocery store, it was right around 9 am.  Was checking out and the cashier was talking to the customer in front of me about this "plane crash in NYC".  Really didn't know what happened until I got home and turned on the TV.  Awful day.


                  Sandy - how exciting about your move to the city!  Mackinaw City is about 1:45 drive and then the ferry to the Island is 1/2 hour, so it can easily be a day trip.


                  Lizzie - nice 12!  So scary that your Dad worked in DC, glad he was okay.


                  Karen - ugh on the migraine, hope you feel better soon!


                  Hi Elina and Diane!


                  Okay, should get some work done...


                  WINE o'clock somewhere!

                    I was in vet school ignorant of what was going on.  Radio was off and only had PBS on the TV and they showed no footage.  Not sure how I found out.  I was checking in with my GF in NJ who's husband often was in the towers for work and many of their friends worked worked there.  I was talking to her when the second tower fell.  Still to this day I have seen only minimal coverage of what happened.


                    Sandy, how absolutely exciting!!!!  So jealous of your opportunity.  To walk to stuff is so flipping nice.  My 2nd house in PDX was like that and it was glorious.  On Shameless, I tried to get into it, but just couldn't.  Glad you are enjoying it though!!!


                    Lizzie, I love how we say 12 miles are "easy."


                    Karen, sorry your aren't on top of your game today.  Not sure which sounds worse, airports or a 15 hour drive.


                    Elina, neat on the meteor.


                    Hi Diane!


                    Laura, here is to some evening mojo.


                    Lisa, right there with Margaret on you being quiet.  Didn't notice at all.  You were perfect company.


                    Margaret, I need to read your RR, I skimmed it yesterday but couldn't focus.  You were so amazing and strong throughout the race and after, my hero!!!


                    It is dark and stormy today.  I was out of milk for coffee so I nipped to the corner store and sooo gloomy.  Also rainy, looks like a thunder storm out.


                    I suppose work was a win yesterday.  Ungodly slow, but we had a 2 hour doctors meeting.  I have been complaining about one thing I didn't think I should have to do (not beneficial to the pets/clients and a waste of my time) and it was agreed on I was right and the onus was passed to the night dr.  She seemed fine with it.


                    Bought 2 things (camera lens and vinyl cutter) this weekend and they both get delivered tomorrow.  The lens requires a signature, so I will be hanging at home waiting or else I can't get it until next week.  What in the world will I do all day...  Hmmm, maybe make TUMBLERS!!!    I have a list of 16 for work.  Good practice.  I have a new style to try out and am excited to try it.  The cup turner I first purchased was wonky, so I am returning it but already got its replacement - a double turner.  So 2 cups at once!!  Still challenged by the resin portion, but I will get it sooner or later.


                    I keep waking up early - 7ish, UGH.



                    Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                    Beast of Burden - August 2024

                    Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                    Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                      Rest day. Reallyreallyreally wanted to go out for a run, but one of the quad muscles is really overworked; closer to painful than just sore… After yesterday's great practice and with trail race in 4.5 weeks (so, lots of time still), it would be stupid to end up w torn muscle or smth because of pure stubbornness… And we have interval workout before floorball tomorrow. Ouch.


                      Meh Sad


                       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


                      Running with the Turtles

                        I was at work.  My coworker walked into my office and told me about the first plane, his wife had called him.  Most people thought it was an accident.  Then we heard about the second plane.  TV's in the office were all on the news and everyone was just shocked.  DH's uncle was scheduled for a meeting at the Twin Towers that morning, but it was cancelled.


                        10 miles for me this morning with 6 miles easy, 3 mi at tempo, 1 mi cooldown.  There were supposed to be one minute recoveries between the tempo miles.  I started the workout (preloaded from the Daniels website) and my watch was beeping at me because apparently I was running the easy miles too fast.  That was annoying, so I turned the workout off.  I didn't want to bother with the one minute recoveries, because that's just 2 minutes of recovery!  So I just ran 3 miles at tempo.    5 easy miles on the TM yesterday, I got a couple work calls in the middle of the night, one at midnight that lasted about an hour, then one at 3 AM which lasted 4 hours.  So I took the day off yesterday!


                        Sandy, damn those people, making your work on Friday night!    Aww, the cute house in the city with doggo sounds awesome!  I finished The Gifted School and started The Unhoneymooners.  Looks like a light, fun book!  Just what I need about now.    Younger DD had me take her to the library to check out books about the Holocaust.  "Fun" reading for her, I guess.  Strange kid.  Hope you get things done at the bank!  Yeah, I am a little scared about how the race will go!  I'm not used to running so fast and doing shorter long runs!  Did it get humid for you too?


                        Lizzie, nice miles this morning!  The humidity came back yesterday, it was also 85.  I am not used to that!  It wasn't horrible this morning.  It started drizzling at the end of my run.  It would have felt nice during my run!   Funny how reversing your route changes things.    Running in the dark now also makes it seem different.  I guess that is good since I pretty much run the same route during the week!  I have done it in reverse also.    No, I don't have any more 20 milers!  Just the one!  And that was the only one over 17 miles.  I guess that is somewhat similar to Hansons, which doesn't have anything over 16.  I have about 14 miles with marathon pace in there, 12 miles, and 9 left for my long runs.  It will be interesting to see how those last 6 miles feel during the race.  Mr. Math did 21 miles at goal pace last weekend.  He averaged a 7:50 pace.  He's been doing his other runs at 7:30 pace.  RB already signed up for next year's Ironman!  Better than one of my other friends, who tried and failed and never tried again!


                        Karen, I hope you feel better!  Ugh on the heel pain.  Work those calves with your roller!  Jumping really tightens the calves.  At least for me.     That's a lot of driving.  Yeah, it sounds like fun.    Yes, this plan has a lot of fast running.  Especially a lot of threshold/tempo.  The trade-off being less overall miles.  I don't know if I would do it again.    Though I suppose it is conducive to running on a TM, vs plans with a lot of intervals or hill repeats and higher mileage...  if I really had to train for a spring marathon.


                        Elina, kindergarten, eh?    You are a young one!   That is funny about the floorball.  A meteor sighting during your run?  That is cool!  The VB season runs through the end of October.  It's the first time either of my kids played in the league.  I assume there are playoffs.    That October trail race looks really fun.  


                        Kat, that sounds like a win at work!  Have fun with the tumblers.  


                        Tessa, glad DS's room remodel is going well!


                        Margaret, congrats again!  So, saving $5 convinced you to run 100 miles?    It not now, when indeed.  If anyone was ready, it was you!  Nice recap and pics!


                        Laura, awesome job on your 8 miler!  Very nice AG placement.


                        Lisa, I hope you are feeling better!



                        Anonymous Guest

                          Geez, our bank is a pain in the butt. Every time through they ask for different things to be explained before they can move forward with our loan. Last time it was our water bill - whoever did the review saw PUD (public utility district) and thought Planned Unit Development, so wanted an explanation why that payment was not going to our HOA but some other PUD. This time they want a reason for why we (and by we I mean DH) paid Frank's Corvettes $10,000, to make sure we're not taking on more debt. DH's response: %$#^$ $#%$^, it's a f---ing car repair. My response: Lots of nice words of explanation, plus a copy of the approved estimate from the insurance company for repairs, and a copy of the invoice showing the total repair cost and the amount over insurance we paid ($10k), as we had some additional work done after the fire. This is why I'm the one that deals with this.

                          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                          Check out my website and youtube channel


                          Cupcake Connoisseur

                            Karen – Wow, I bet that really shook DH! My dad said the same about the traffic. He ended up just staying at the office until 9pm. Glad the hill workout went as planned yesterday. I hope you feel better! Smart to take a rest day. I have had a constant headache for 3 days. I think its heat. I have 16 this Friday with 12 at MP. 12. 12. I am crying on the inside. May not happen if the DP stays in the 70’s! Had to laugh at DH’s response to the corvette repair! Typical.


                            Kilmisters – Yup! LR on Friday. Not super long this week but I am still dreading it. You deserve a rest day!!! I am guessing the 3K run and floorball was yesterday? I don’t know how you do it.


                            Laura – Good luck getting out there after work!


                            Kathryn – You couldn’t get into Shameless?! Oh man. Awesome on the work win! Exciting on the camera accessories! 7ish is sleeping in 😊


                            Cathy – OMG on DH’s Uncle! That is freaky. Wow, nice run this morning! Sorry about all of the work calls yesterday – at least you got to take the day off to compensate 😊. That’s nice that you are able to do that. I keep thinking that your race is far off but it really isn’t! No wonder you don’t have anymore 20 milers 😊. Mr. Math is not from Earth. Seriously.


                            Sandy – You had mentioned something earlier about being more excited for Hawaii – at this point I am. Every day I have a new text from someone in the family arguing with us about why we aren’t doing something the way they want..or throwing their opinions around. ITS FRUSTRATING!!!! I don’t need 10 different people in my ear with their recommendations! Okay, sorry. Mini vent.



                            Busy busy over here. Have a good afternoon everyone!



                            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

                              I was busy with an 18 month old with Nickolodeon playing in the background. Older girls at school. Didn't find out until a couple of hours after it happened when husband called me. So sad.


                              Signed everything today so the condo with the cat named Turkey is all mine. LOL


                              Sandy-hope the house in the city comes true! sounds really cute! Thanks. I'm feeling a bit better. Still going to doc next week to have bloodwork done.


                              Lizzie-you can do that tough run.


                              Karen-yuck on the PF flaring up even a little. My mortgage company was the same way with questioning things. I had to explain why I didn't have divorce decree anymore... the one from 1991. Lord.


                              Elina-woohoo on the great practice for you! That was so cool about the meteor.


                              Kat-yeah on the win at work! Those tumblers are so cute!


                              Cathy-nice run!


                              Tessa-so exciting on the remodel!


                              Margaret-loved the RR! I'm so glad that you had a great experience and hope that you will be back!




                              Former Bad Ass

                                Afternoon!  I was going to run 9 after court but the massage on the hamstring was so aggressive she said not to run until tomorrow so I'll do my 9 with intervals tomorrow.  She released a lot of knots on that hamstring.


                                I was at work and it was a communications department so we spent the whole day watching the news and towers collapsing, etc.


                                Sandy, good luck with the house hunting.


                                Liz, nice run!  Ooh, if KY, you can come by and see me, lol.


                                Karen, hoping you are feeling better.  That was the same for me, ugh!


                                Elina, you are so young! Ha.


                                Diane, ugh, being so close to the attacks.


                                Laura, hope you found your mojo.


                                Kat, glad the meeting was productive.


                                Cathy, glad that meeting was canceled.  Nice 10.


                                Lisa, yay!  Most expensive kitty ever?

