Swim: Free Style Previous Next


2750 yd


2:44 / 100yd

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1x300 on 5:00 - Moderate (warm-up was supposed to be earlier....but this was my WU) 4x50 on :50 - Fast 4x50 on :45 - Faster (Still plenty of time on the intervals, turnover felt really slow) 4x50 on :40 - Fastest (3 - 5 sec. rest. Solid effort. Dying whale) 1x50 on 2:00 - Recovery 4x225 50 K on 1:10, 50 K on 1:10 - first 15yd Underwater, 2x25 on :40 6-beat drill, 3x25 on :40 - Desc. 1-2, 3 EZ 4x50 on :45 - Desc. 1-4 2x100 on 1:30 - Sprint 2x50 on 1:00 - Sprint Faster 1x100 Warm Down 2750 yds. Total Felt like a brick. Turnover was slow, sprinting was tough. Need to work on the small stroke things lost during IM training (position, catch, recovery, rotation). Still turning ok times though....
