Cycling: Long Previous Next


1:30 PM

20.2 mi


12.74 mi / hr



6 / 10
8 / 10


One Day (hopefully soon) I want to run this course rather than cycle it. It is so beautiful that it must be a real delight to be able to run up those hills and enjoy the marvellous views from high above. Excellent course for training for the Marathon. It is the first day today and since the last weeks that I did not feel anything complaining in any way in both legs. Tomorrow is my appointment with J. D. Vries and looking forward to the verdict. I felt today I might have been able to run but I will wait for another couple of days and see how I feel and what the outcome of my consultation will be. However nothing will take away the pleasure I gained today from this cycle. I felt alive and happy with many positive energies in me.
