Run: Long Previous Next


6:20 PM

7.5 mi


7:37 mi


159 lb


60 F


6 / 10
7 / 10
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7.5 mi


A NEGATIVE SPLIT!!!! the whole run through! congrats to me, even though the pacing was actually pretty uneven. I was, however, able to hold back early which made the run that much more enjoyable. Exciting, controlled run, and I was pretty much happy the whole way through.

Note: my calves felt OK the day after my last run, contrary to what I had thought would happen, but I skipped a day anyway. Felt a little bit in the calves/achilles, and the return of the dreaded PTT pain, but it was mild, and is gone. I believe I'm adapting SLOWLY to this new gait pattern. We'll see....

last note: I've been doing an ice bath after these longer runs and cooling down for longer, which I think is combining with me just adjusting some to lessen the affects of the runs.
