Run: Easy Previous Next


6.2 mi


Don't know the time. Was going to add on more afterwards, but I really don't like adding on. According to ashman we ran really slow, but I didn't feel like we were going that slow. then again, I didn't really feel like we were going fast either. Lifted after the run with Mitch. Now I know all of the lifts, so I can do them by myself. Some of the lifting I should put more weight on, and others I should lift rest. Good to have this transition week to get used to and learn everything. I'm still sore from lifting on Monday so I'm thinking I'll be sore on Saturday. Still long term it should pay off. I'll probably get faster because of it, and at the very least I'll look better without a shirt on. I'll try to run this run again tomorrow, pre race day. Then I should have the right amount of mileage in.
