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5 mi

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My goal today was 5:45/mile, but I wanted to see how fast I could go. I know I underperformed on my last xc meet, so I chilled at 5:42 pace for the first 3-3.5 miles, then picked it up a bit, and picked it up more in the last half mile. I PR-ed through the 5k and 5-mile as well. And it was no big deal - I can go faster. Warmed up 2 miles, cooled down 4.

I think I have the mentality down - just go out and run. Screw worrying about hitting a certain pace or about what place to get or anything like that - just go out and run and enjoy the pain. It didn't even hurt that much. I was more just thinking about other things - like what I'm gonna do today, or thinking about my plans for the rest of break. Breakfast and sleep are key as well. I run poorly when I don't eat something and/or sleep. I don't wanna lay a brick this upcoming track season. Gotta stay motivated. Gotta stay focused.
