Run: Easy Previous Next


9 mi


6:52 mi

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Simple day to just run and get the miles in before the steady-state run tomorrow. Weather was fine. I ran the route I usually run for 9+ mile runs, but today people were actually doing construction on the site I run through. I didn't think twice when I ran through the construction - I clearly wasn't in the way of anyone, and I've been doing it for the past two weeks, but some jerk-off told me off for running in the construction site. I just jumped the barrier blocking off entry/exit and ran through quickly. Other than that, there was only one other construction incident today. Towards the end of the run, there's a small little down hill followed by an uphill. I was on top looking to go down the small hill when my face hit the ground hard. There was nothing to trip on, so I got up and looked at what made me fall. I saw the cement where I had just stepped had my footprint 6-inches below the ground. Apparently there was wet cement strip a foot in thickness, and I happened to step on it. Bad luck.
