Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 AM

3.4 mi


9:02 mi


8 / 10
3 / 10
  • Map


9mm pace felt like race pace. Ugh. Definitely improving, but still feels like crapola. I decided at the last minute to ditch the orthotics. They're hard and uncomfortable, and since my foot pain has returned I decided that I would go without. It's like a patient taking a zillion meds and not getting better. It's hard to tell what, if anything is helping them. So - no more pads, ibuprofen, orthotics etc until I can figure out if it helps or not. And I'll start rolling on a golf ball (hurts!)

The first mile hurt my foot and I cursed the lack of orthotics and my foot in general. From the second mile on - I was no longer worried about my foot - just about finishing. My foot really doesn't hurt bad now (12 hours later) Fingers crossed!
