Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 AM

3.4 mi


9:13 mi


20 F


6 / 10
2 / 10
  • Map


This one really sucked. I love the colder weather but felt tired the entire time, out of breath, couldn' push it at all. I think I need to drop some weight. Or maybe run more!!

On a positive note, I went to X-fit at 6pm and faced one of the hardest workouts I've done in a long time. Warm up 2 rounds 10 weighted lunges, 10 overhead press, 10 thruster, 10 step-ups with 20 # DBs, Then 5x5 thrusters worked up to 85# barbell. Then 5 min Cindy - got 4 rounds. Then 3 burpee breakdowns (ended up with 150 pushups) I'm beat but thrilled that I made it through. I love crossfit!
