Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


11:00 AM

54.5 mi


18.05 mi / hr


155 lb
142 bpm
240 bpm


62 F
  • Map


Nice day. A little cool when I got started. Today's route was the Robinson loop. Patrick to the old "B" route, New Hope around and through Belmont, and Union up to Sherwood. Had a nice tailwind going down Robinson. Kept me going 25-30. With the tailwind going out I tried to conserve a little for the trip back. At the turn onto Baird Rd my average was 17.8 which surprised me. I was trying to save a little for the wind on the way back but I must have really backed off. Turned up the heat going into the wind and around Belmont. Pushed hard on Union/New Hope and managed to increase my average on the way back! Met an SUV at the round about. Stopped them and told them to be more careful.

zone- 7:44

cal- 2470 (823/hr)

max- 34.9
