Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


2:30 PM

12.8 mi


7.81 mi / hr


45 F
  • Map

Poston Park


Ben mentioned the trail opened at Poston Park so I went to check it out. It had rained a little today so I was expecting it to be a little slick. Wasn't as bad as I thought. The new bit is awesome. At one point you are climbing a long power line road. I was standing due to the mud and it was about to take its toll when I could see the top. Down the other side and through some pretty nasty mud that caked up on the front wheel enough to almost bring me to a halt. Another short climb and I came to an opening with three options and no trail markings. Rather than venture into the unknown I decided to go back to the last trail mark and started from there not looking forward to the long climb again. Using a different "rut" the front tire was so encrusted with mud it stopped me. It was about three tenths back to a trail mark and I contemplated continuing backwards but questioned if I was actually near the end when it occurred to me Ben said he rode about 10 miles. My odometer was showing 11 and change so I had to be near the end of this new section. Starting over, I walked up the long hill this time and just as I reached the top I saw a trail mark pointing into the woods. I had missed it before standing on the pedals with my head down looking at the muddy trail trying to find a clean line. Finished the new bit and made it to familiar territory which was actually the the exit of the Spencer Mtn Loop. From there I took every short, even a few not marked, back to the car and still ended up with almost 13 miles.

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