Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:00 PM

45.9 mi


19.45 mi / hr


147.5 lb
140 bpm
173 bpm


83 F


COMMENTS: Well tonight didn't go as planned. I was doing OK keeping up. We had a rotating paceline going and everything was fine. I seemed to have to catch up to the next rider shifting from the right. I may have been backing off too much when I went left. It just seemed like harder work that a couple of Weds ago. Well we got to the stop sign at Old Limestone and Hwy 49 and traffic split the group. The lead group was slowing and I let them get ahead of me then when the back group caught up I was going to get in behind them. They went by so fast I lost them and couldn't catch up. So I watched them ride off. Guess I'm still learning. I don't think I realized we were on Hwy 49 which is the really fast bit. Shouldn't have let the front group get away but I was enjoying the rest. Maybe a little too much. I'll try again next Wed.

zone 5- 13:00

cal- 2244

avg for the route- 20.1 with the last 13 at a my pace after being dropped.

max- 36.5
