Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


11:00 AM

45.6 mi


16.98 mi / hr


147.5 lb
130 bpm
152 bpm


92 F


COMMENTS: Nice ride. Left the house, took Sherwood to Union and picked up the "W" route. Wanted to do a recovery ride nice and easy and look at some of the places I could have done better yesterday. For one, don't get behind on Hwy 49. That's where they pick up the speed and you'll never catch them there. That's where I lost them. I took some Fig Newtons and had 3 every 10 miles. I think that was too much so I'll cut that to 2. Finished 2 1/2 bottles so taking 3 is a must and it wasn't as hot as it has been.

avg- 16.9

max- 38.0

cal- 1983 almost 300 less than yesterdays ride of the same distance.
