Run: Easy Previous Next


7:30 AM

4.2 mi


9:45 mi


150 bpm
166 bpm


78 F
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COMMENTS: Much better pace today. Had already gotten a little hot outside by the end of the run. Had a Hammer Gel Banana, which dosen't taste good at all, at the first mile. The vanalla was much better. Developed a stitch with about half mile to go and just ran through it instead of trying to stop it. I don't think I could have lasted 2 miles with it. Breathing was 4/2 a little more than the first mile and 3/2 the remainder of the run. Effort was about 6.5. It seems that I switch to 3/2 on the first hill after a mile and stay there. My hamstring felt better this morning and didn't bother me on the run. After the run my right knee and left heel complain a little.

Zone 5- 7:48

cal- 6.35
