Run: Long Previous Next


7:15 AM

11.8 mi


10:28 mi


159 lb
146 bpm
160 bpm


72 F


COMMENTS: Schedule: 9@10:37

Well, 2 hrs is a long time to run. Started out ok. Had a Clif bar and some milk for breakfast. Got a late start looking for my cell phone. After yesterday its a must. First couple of miles were a little stiff. Traffic was ok. Its a short run to Gaston Day road which is wider. Had half a gel at about the 2.5 mile mark. Didn't have the stitch I sometimes get but I kept my stomach "clinched" this time which seemed to do the trick. Once I got on the Greenway my legs got very tired and I had half of a G-ade. At the half way point I had the other half. I think I could actually tell the difference this time. Had the other half gell coming off the Greenway, 4 miles to go. My legs are really tired and I still have the bad hill to get past so I have half a G-ade about half a mile before it and celebrated with the other half after which left about one mile. Got home about 9:30 by which time it had warmed up a bit. Didn't have any joint pains the whole run, just tired legs. Had an ice bath, one of the kids nutrition bars and some more G-ade. Rested for quite a while and mowed the grass in the afternoon. Legs feel fine apart from being tired.

HR >160- 0:30

cal- 1783
