Run: Long Previous Next


4:30 PM

9.2 mi


9:38 mi


148 bpm
193 bpm


58 F


COMMENTS: Well it started out at an easy 10 min pace. At mile 7 my stomach started churning. By mile 8 and 9 I needed a toilet so bad I was running like a man possessed trying to get back to the car. My last 2 miles must have been at an 8:30 pace. Started at the entrance to the Greenway and went down Robinwood/Hoffman first. I didn't want to go down the hills on Robinwood tired. After yesterdays run I wasn't sure my knees were very happy with the new shoes so today was suppose to be an easy but semi long run. Had some G-ade going onto the Greenway and felt fine at the time so I don?t know if that had anything to do with it? Although my pace was quicker my breathing was still relaxed and I had some steam left at the end. I was trying not to run too hard in order to run again tomorrow. I?m feeling better about the 9 min pace on the HM. At the moment my knees are complaining and it?s probably a combination of shoes and hard run. Guess tomorrow will tell. The max HR is wrong again. This is bugging me.

cal - 1305
