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8:30 AM

2.9 mi


4.14 mi / hr


120 bpm
159 bpm


39 F
  • Map



COMMENTS: run-1:30, walk-3:30, 8x

The cold wind was no fun. Not too bad on most of the path being in the trees. Felt stiff again during the run. Probably a result of the FB training Fri and having 2 running days back to back. After I get home I feel fine after a little streatching. I might adjust next weeks schedule. May just do something on the ski machine Tue. The shoe inserts have rubbed a tender spot on the inside of my right foot. I'm considering a 5k on March 11. Just make it part of my training. By then I'll be running 2 mins and walking 3 mins 10x which will be more than a 5k distance and should finish in about 40 mins.
