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7:30 AM

9.2 mi


10:43 mi


162 lb
141 bpm
164 bpm


64 F


COMMENTS: Perfect weather this morning. Motivation was about 85%. Started out a little stiff but loosened up in less than a mile. Not sure of the Max HR. I never saw it that high even at the top of the hills. At about 3.5 miles my right knee started complaining but if I concentrate on keeping my back straight and hips foward it goes away. My left heel didn't bother me the whole time. I hope it stays that way as I increase my mileage. Felt strong at the half way point. Got into a different breathing patten at one point- 2/3. Didn't concentrate on breathing and just let it find its own pattern. I need to try the 2/3 again on a more stressful run. My feet didn't feel throbbing this time at the end. Saw about 4 other runners not on the Greenway. Had a Clif Bar P/B, a little milk, and a little G-ade before I left. Had half a GU (Plain, tasted good) and 7oz of water walking down to the Greenway. Had the other half and 7oz of water at the end of the Greenway, and some G-ade walking back up to the Greenway (the path is too curvey to run). The last couple of miles my stomach felt cramped but went away as soon as I finished and stopped running. Had an ice bath which felt great till my ankles and butt start itching from the cold. Legs feel fine now(12:15). Just sore as expeced after a long run.

cal- 1378

zone 5- 0:04 ??
