Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


9:30 AM

11.5 mi


10.4 mi / hr


158 lb
135 bpm
174 bpm


48 F
  • Map



Ryan and I were suppose to go to Pisgah today but he called this morning and wasn't feeling good so we decided to do some local riding. I left early and did a couple of loops on the main trail. I had the 19t on and was interested in how it would do. The first lap was OK with a 10.2 average. I didn't want to go all out because I was suppose to meet Ryan at Sherman Branch around noon so I wanted to save a little in the tank for that. I did manage to pick up the pace a little and ended up with a decent average. The last time I did this I managed three laps at a 10.1 average. I think I could have bettered that today. The 19t worked well on the trail. Good combination of climb and pace.

max- 24

zone- 13:54 not bad considering the pace. Three good climbs.

cal- 1101
