Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


12:00 PM

22.7 mi


10.3 mi / hr


152 bpm
173 bpm


59 F
  • Map


Met Ryan about noon. First lap was exciting. In the first quarter mile the bike went off one side of a log and I went off the other. Then later on a three part rock garden I unclipped one foot trying to maintain a line and came to an abrupt stop which put me over the bars. Bashed up my left knee pretty good. Ryan was having trouble with his EBB at first. He sussed that out and noticed his rear wheel rubbing. That was the axal nuts loose. Tightened that on went on our way. Survived the rest of the lap. Took a quick break at the parking lot. Had my trusty PBJ and we did another lap. This one was uneventful and a little quicker than the first. We caught a group that had left a good three or four minutes before us. Ryan and I made our way passed the group to the guy in the lead who started pushing the pace. He was working Ryan and I pretty good and managed to put some distance on us. He stopped, we went by. I guess he wanted to wait on his group. Back at the car we were pleased with our average over 22 miles.

max- 19.7

zone- 57:24

cal- 2596
