Run: Easy Previous Next


2:00 PM

4 mi


9:12 mi


68 F
  • Map


COMMENTS: Really nice run. I raced dad 4 laps while he did 2. It was about a mile each lap so I ran a little extra to make it 4 miles. It is a sidewalk that circles around the parking lot. I had set up my GPS to automatically mark each mile which is great. I can look back after I finish and see how my pace changed as I progressed through the miles. I was pleased with being able to incresase my pace at each mile and then see the results on the GPS. It is going to be a great training tool. The kids were playing with mom at the climbing equipment. As we were leaving a boy and his family were setting up a model rocket. Matthew got a real kick out of watching it go so high in the air and the parachute bringing it back down.

m1- 9:49

m2- 9:33

m3- 8:57

m4- 8:28

Pretty tired at this point. Couldn't keep this pace much longer.

cal- 591
