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10:30 AM

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COMMENTS: After yesterdays run my left knee is complaining a little. No limp or pain but I can feel it was stressed by the run. I may have been leaning forward too much from fatigue and not paying attention to form. I even had a guy who said he does military training to tell me I was leaning forward.

Either take an extra stop watch to check splits or start your watch at the 2 mile post and add 2 mins (it was 58 secs to the post yesterday) for the distance from the spider bite sign to the 2 mile post and back.

This is the second run I have had on the greenway in the heat that was very difficult though when I run at the neighborhoods I don't get as tired. Granted my pace was faster than I had planned and that had something to do with it I think the humidity along the trail is a bigger factor than I thought. Being closely surronded by lots of trees and bushes provides shade but blocks any wind that dosen't come straight down the trail and causes the humidity to be higher from the water given off by the trees/bushes. I'm going to try Fri run on the Hoffman/Robinwood loop at a comperable pace and see how it goes. It will be in more direct sun but the open air and lower humidity may provide more cooling.
