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8:00 AM

3.1 mi


4.57 mi / hr


124 bpm
159 bpm


45 F
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COMMENTS: run-2, walk-3, 8x cheero's coffee OJ-ensure

It was a good run. A little tired at the end but expected running 2 days in a row. My left heel tightened up again at the first of the run and loosened shortly after. My left knee was a little sore at about 3/4. If I concentrate and being smooth it goes away. Harder to do when you get tired. Been home about an hour and feel fine except the bottom of my left foot gets tight after i sit for a while. Tried to keep my HR out the 150 range, again hard to do as you get tired. Keep track of Avg HR. Next 3 runs are r-2, w-3. 5k time would be 40:33.
