Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


3:00 PM

9 mi


8.09 mi / hr


156 lb


84 F
  • Map

Poston Park


COMMENTS: A few laps at Poston Park. Started with the short loop then did 3 main loops. Things just seemed to flow today. I was making good smooth turns and keeping speed on some rough bits. Did manage to run into one tree on a too wide turn. It knocked my rear brake out of adjustment so I stopped at the entrance and whipped out my MTB-3 Rescue Tool and adjusted the rear brake and lever and got back on the trail. The camel back is working out great. It holds more water than I can drink in a day so I don't fill it completely. Wasn't sure if I was overdoing it after riding twice yesterday but I actually feel better and less tense after today.

avg speed- 8.1

max speed- 21.1
