Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:00 PM

35.1 mi


19.54 mi / hr


141 bpm
169 bpm


87 F


COMMENTS: Another great ride with the GCC. I was told the Wed night crowd went a little faster. Boy do they! We averaged 2 mph faster for 35 miles than the Mon night rides. I feel as tired as I have after some runs so we were going pretty hard. I had some more complements on my riding. I tell them its their teaching. I'm just soaking up the information like a sponge.It really is a lot of fun to ride with this group. I had one mess up. I was holding my water bottle as we approached a stop and only had the other hand on the brake and had to go to the edge close to one of the others. I apologized and explained it was my fault.

avg speed- 19.5

max speed- 34.5

zone 5- 1:24

cal- 1673

5 mile avg speed:

17.5 20.1 18.9 21.2 20.9 19.0 17.6
