Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

4.2 mi


9:41 mi


152 bpm
164 bpm


88 F
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COMMENTS: Well I finished 4 miles on the Greenway without stopping. I know that sounds crazy after running 6 miles Sun morning. The temperature was much better than last time with the overcast. My pace was definitely 9:50-10. I was checking it with a stopwatch at the quarter mile marks. So I think I need to look at the milage again. I had 3 Clif Bloks with 10 oz of water on the way there, a gel at the half way point and some G-ade with 1 mile to go. Not having anything but water since lunch, and a small lunch at that, might be what makes it so hard to finish at 6 in the afternoon. I remember last time it seemed like I just ran out of gas and my legs weighed a ton. I didn't have any bothering knees or ankles and didn't feel like I couldn't finish. Just a steady pace the whole time. The zone time was mostly at the end where I picked up the pace a little. Effort was 7-8. The average HR was a little high but I think the humidity is still a big factor. Another factor may be the winding trail. You are constantly turning but it appears relatively flat with very few small hills that aren?t steep. I'm just trying to figure out what makes the Greenway seem so difficult. I think temperature is a big factor. I think humidity is a bigger factor. And now I'm considering how long its been since I last ate something as another factor.

Zone 5- 6:22

cal- 644
