Run: Easy Previous Next


4:00 PM

4.2 mi


8:55 mi


73 F
  • Map



COMMENTS: Good run. The weather was nice, cloudy and cool. I wore the GPS to get an idea what the difference was with the numbers I have been using. It looks like quite a bit. I plan to use the GPS more often because it should have a more accurate measurement but I still think it cuts off the corners. I'll ride the Greenway again one day on the bike and try to get another measurement. A 40 sec difference in pace is not acceptable. The problem is I have so much data at the old numbers I don't want to suddenly show a big drop in performance.

GPS data:

9:31 9:36 9:14 8:36

1.00 1.00 1.00 0.86= 3.86 miles @9:34

cal- 420
