Run: Easy Previous Next


4:30 PM

4.2 mi


10:20 mi


144 bpm
150 bpm


88 F
  • Map



COMMENTS: I was determined to stay under 150 for this run and did until the last 20 feet. I was watching the HR closely and slowed each time it got above 145 but a small hill right at the finish put it at 150. Needless to say this was a slow, easy pace. The overcast and cool wind made it enjoyable. Drank 34 oz of water/G-ade before I left and didn't drink anything during the run. Breathing 4/2 the whole run and wasn't out of breath at the finish. Effort 4-5. Had an ice bath which felt great. Not sore at all and no complaining joints today even after 5 miles Tue, 4 Wed, and 4 today. Hope Sat race goes well.

Zone 5- 0:00

cal- 626
