Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


7:00 AM

37.8 mi


16.83 mi / hr


160 lb
109 bpm
183 bpm


71 F


7 / 10
7 / 10


Was going to get up early and get 20 in on the way to the church and it started raining last night. Figuring the roads would be wet in the morning I reset my clock and decided to go straight to the church. It was a little wet but dried quickly. About 10 showed. Typical ride. John W, Ben and I broke away from the group when we turned onto Armstrong Ford rd from Belmont with Ben pulling. We didn't stop on New Hope and John took over pulling the whole way down New Hope. When we turned on Armstrong Ford rd I took over and pulled up the hill to Eagle road. We sort of coasted to on Eagle but John was still pushing a little through Cramerton. Ben was out front going into Cramer Mtn and had a pace going I couldn't keep all the way up the hill. John had some gear problem but recovered quickly and I had moved ahead of him. Then Ben fell back and said he was going hard until he blew which put me out front. I just kept a steady pace but was getting pressure from John and slowly picked up the pace. Closer to the top he sounded like a freight train and was on my left rear so I knew it was on. I decided to stay in the saddle until the last turn where it steepens quite a bit and this is where he tried to move ahead. I stayed in the saddle a little longer, still couldn't see him but he was pressing as was I. Just before he came into my peripheral I shifted down a gear and stood up and sprinted. I could still hear him on my wheel. I went down another gear, pulled away, and I heard him give up. I kept going and turned into the school and did half a lap before I saw him. Did a couple of laps and stopped to wait on the rest of the group who were well back from the three of us. John commented "we have a new Sheriff in town" which I took as a huge complement. He is a strong rider. Made our way back to the church with the group. Ben, Doc and I went to Panera.

max- 32.7

zone- 9:06

cal- 1956
